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Microsoft Data Insights Summit

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Data Insights Summit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Data Insights Summit
7/30/2019 5:41 PM Simplifying GDPR with Office 365 Security & Compliance center Data governance & responding to DSR’s Maithili Dandige Principal Group Program Manager Bhavanesh Rengarajan Senior Program Manager © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Manage your digital estate with 360 degrees of Compliance

3 EMS Overview 7/30/2019 Today’s focus Comprehensive protection of data throughout the lifecycle—across devices, apps, cloud services, and on-premises Office 365 Apps & Services Windows Clients & Devices 3rd Party Apps & Services, On-premises Office 365  Information Protection Windows Information Protection Azure Information Protection Finished compliance and security solutions that are built right into Office 365 Finished security solutions that are built right into Windows devices Security platform services and products, that are integrated with 1st party apps and services, including on-premises. And extend Microsoft Information Protection to 3rd party apps and services. M365 © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Surface and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. 3

4 Agenda over the next hour…
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Agenda over the next hour… Setup your organization with Data Governance & Protection using Office 365 SCC Stay on top of GDPR Data Subject Right requests using Office 365 SCC Call to action on partner opportunities © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

5 Setup your organization with data governance & protection using SCC
Microsoft Data Insights Summit 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Setup your organization with data governance & protection using SCC © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

6 How do you manage & protect personal data in a world where…
58 % of individuals have accidentally sent sensitive information to the wrong person 81% of corporate breaches involve weak or stolen passwords 300K new malware samples are created and spread every day

7 Data Governance & Protection in Office 365
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Data Governance & Protection in Office 365 Classify and Protect data Data governance and protection of your sensitive data using labels and policies. Timely disposition of data Ensure personal data is disposed in a timely fashion by enabling event based disposition policies Monitor & track insights on personal data Built in audit-ready tools & label analytics that allow you to monitor data based on ongoing basis © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

8 Classify information based on sensitivity
7/30/2019 5:41 PM Classify information based on sensitivity Automatic classification Policies can be set by IT Admins for automatically applying classification and protection to data AIP Scanner Sensitive types Over 80+ different sensitive data types supported in product with ability to create custom types AIP Scanner HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Manual reclassification You can override a classification and optionally be required to provide a justification GENERAL User-specified classification Users can choose to apply a sensitivity label to the or file they are working on with a single click © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

9 TIMELY Disposition of data
7/30/2019 5:41 PM TIMELY Disposition of data Dispose s and files you don’t need to keep Set org wide preservation policies to delete content on users you don’t need to keep around Event based retention Configure event based retention with labels to dispose employee records as they leave organization HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL Review before disposition Setup manual disposition reviews to review data before it is disposed GENERAL PUBLIC Defensible audit logs Defensible audit logs allow you to keep track of data that was disposed © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

10 Monitor and track insights on data & USERS
7/30/2019 5:41 PM Monitor and track insights on data & USERS Use audit logs & alerts on personal activity Audit logs help you keep track of user activity on personal and sensitive data HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL Track how sensitive data is being labeled Track how data is being labeled, protected and governed throughout it’s lifecycle CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL Monitor insights on data breach Threat intelligent insights enable you to track users who are targetted by various threats GENERAL PUBLIC © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

11 Microsoft Data Insights Summit
7/30/2019 5:41 PM Demo Auto classification of personal data Disposition of personal data Track and monitor sensitive data  © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

12 Stay on top of data subject right requests using SCC
Microsoft Data Insights Summit 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Stay on top of data subject right requests using SCC © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

13 Are your current processes efficient?
EMS Overview 7/30/2019 Simplify processes Are your current processes efficient? Will you be able to satisfy data subject requests? Can you search for content across apps in a timely way? © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Surface and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. 13

14 GDPR dashboard and DSR experience
7/30/2019 5:41 PM GDPR dashboard and DSR experience Quickly find data associated with an individual in Office 365 using SCC Create cases for handling DSR requests and track active and closed cases in past 60 days Streamlined DSR experience Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for business (including Teams and Groups) and public folders Search content across Office 365 apps & content types Download to your computer for further review prior to providing to individuals requesting them Export Results © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

15 Microsoft Data Insights Summit
7/30/2019 5:41 PM Demo GDPR Dashboard Streamlined DSR case creation experience Search & filter down data sets Review & Export  © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

16 Partner opportunities
Microsoft Data Insights Summit 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Partner opportunities © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

17 Partner opportunities
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Partner opportunities Perform risk assessments to identify and locate personal data & develop a plan Use compliance manager & extend controls for your customers Implement an Information Governance strategy and use our tools to build a deployment plan Assessments Ingestion of data into cloud is a great opportunity for partnering especially for 3rd party data Build connectors for event based retention that connect to customers HR/Financial systems & use Office 365 disposition to clean up personal data Bring your file plans using cmdlets to import and publish labels in bulk Office 365 Ecosystem Connect to signals across Office 365 and on-premise environments for compliance monitoring Enable your customers to have processes that help them respond breaches Insights and Reporting © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

18 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Call to action Implement Data Governance, Protection and GDPR DSR’s in Office 365 Partner GDPR data discovery toolkit Sign up to receive Security News for Partners at © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

19 Thank you! Please rate the sessions at AKA.MS/gdprpartnersummit
Microsoft Data Insights Summit 7/30/2019 5:41 PM Thank you! Please rate the sessions at AKA.MS/gdprpartnersummit © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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