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Glycolysis, (Link) and Krebs

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1 Glycolysis, (Link) and Krebs
Building a large summary of the stages of Respiration so far Key Terms: Glycolysis, (Link Reaction), Krebs Cycle, Mitochondrion.

2 Putting it all together …
Your task is to link all these stages together to show how the first 3 stages of Respiration generate products that pass into the 4th stage – Electron Transport Chain. Build a large outline of a Mitochondrion in cytoplasm. Add Glycolysis, Link Reaction & Kreb’s cycle in full detail to the correct sections of your outline. Use different coloured paper to represent different molecules e.g. CO2, NAD, FAD, ATP, ADP & Pi etc… Include the correct numbers of each molecule. Include the names of enzymes that catalyse the stages. Show which molecules pass into the next stage and into Electron Transport Chain.

3 Peer Assessment Assessment Criteria:-
Aesthetics – Visual quality of model (5) Accuracy and Clarity – Is everything present and correct? (10) Ability to explain the model (5) Total (20)

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