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Wrt 205: critical research

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1 Wrt 205: critical research
Dr. Rusty Bartels Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 Week 14, Day 2

2 Overview Freewrite Workshop Wrap-up Evals

3 Freewrite What progress have you made on the Final Portfolio?
What decisions have you made? What do you still need to do? What questions do you have?

4 Workshop – Round 1 What progress have you made on the Final Portfolio?
What decisions have you made? What have you done?

5 Workshop – Round 2 Are you revising any of your prior assignments?
Are you including any of your short responses? Strategic reflection? Which one(s) and why?

6 Workshop – Round 3 Imagine that your audience for the Final Portfolio has not encountered your research prior to reading the Final Portfolio. What do you want them to know? What do you want them to take away? What direction do you need to provide them?

7 Workshop – Round 4 Reflect on this past semester —
how do you understand your relationship to researching and writing now? Is there anything that stands out to about this process? What did you learn? What questions were you left with?

8 Freewrite Reflect on your conversations and on your peers’ notes for you What still needs to get done for the Final Portfolio? What’s the next thing you will do to make progress on your Final Portfolio?

9 Wrap-up Today we: Workshop for Final Portfolio Next time:
Peer Review for Final portfolio Office hours today (Wed) 1:00 - 3:00 pm Available by appointment remainder of the week Monday (4/30): optional attendance for extra credit

10 Course Evals Just like I try to give specific feedback to you, I would appreciate your efforts to make feedback specific for me E.g. “I really liked it!” vs “I found the unit on X really interesting” I use course evals to revise future versions of this course My department uses course evals to assess my facility as an instructor

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