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Welcome to Twydall Primary School.

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1 Welcome to Twydall Primary School.
Nursery Information

2 We believe… At Twydall Nursery we believe that children should be supported to learn through their play enjoying the process of discovery.  To feel safe and cared for in their environment. To develop relationships with adults and children that are supportive, fun and joyful. To be allowed the time to immerse themselves in their play, learning practicing, rehearsing and applying new skills. To be children who  have a love for learning and taking risks.

3 Organisation of Classes
Class Name is Bears. Two Sessions :– Morning Bears 8:45-11:45. Afternoon Bears 12:30 – 3:30. Bears has: 2 Teachers Mrs Fautley and Mrs Wilson (Mrs Cave PPA) 2 Teaching assistants Miss Furnell and Mrs Blackburn

4 How do we help the children to settle into the Nursery?
Stay and Play Sessions: Week Beginning 2nd July and 9th July. We have found that children who attend the stay and play sessions with their parents settle quickly into Nursery in September. Its also a great opportunity for you to meet other parents and children. Home Visits The second part of our settling in process is the home visit. Children who have seen us in their own home develop relationships with us much more quickly than those who don’t. This supports their settling in to the Nursery. Staggered Intake: The children will come in in small groups from September and a letter will be included in your pack informing you of your child’s start date and which session they have been allocated, am or pm.

5 What is learning through play…
Turn taking and sharing Making decisions finding ways to do things. Exploring the world around them becoming scientists! Creating new ideas Practise skills, old and new Develop speaking and listening Solving problems.

6 Why do we learn outside? Children need to move to develop their muscles and understanding of their bodies. Children will have the opportunity to learn outside everyday. Children can apply their learning in a more challenging and open environment. We offer a mixture of “garden days”, wheeled vehicle days (“bike days”) and one day a week we go on a “Field trip” around the extensive school grounds. All weathers! – All children need to have a pair of wellies in school and appropriate coats.

7 The Curriculum in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 7 areas of Learning and Development from birth to 60 months: Prime Areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Specific Areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design

8 Talking to and with your child
How You Can Help Talking to and with your child Read to your child regularly We are a “Reading School”. Encourage and celebrate your child’s growing independence. Go outside and encourage your child to run, climb, jump, balance.

9 Why and what we Assess in Nursery.
On Entry to Nursery your child will be observed and assessed to discover where they are working within the areas of learning. This information informs the activities that we plan to develop your child’s learning. We continue to observe the children working in a variety of contexts, throughout the year, in all areas of learning, to ensure that we are continuing to further your child’s learning and offer opportunities and activities that develop skills.

10 What Your Child Will Need
Water bottle Book Bag in school everyday. Appropriate clothing e.g. coats, gloves, hats. Shoes that your child can remove and put back on easily NO LACES. Clothing that your child can remove easily to aid toileting. A change of clothing in case of accidents.

11 Snack and Experiences Money.
Each term we ask for a donation of £1 per week to help cover extra expenses. We use this money to add to the free fruit provided for the children. We buy ingredients to allow the children to cook once a fortnight food that is then served at the snack table either that day or the next. We buy extra resources for messy play like play dough ingredients, gloop, shaving foam, spaghetti!!

12 What if my child is unwell?
What if my child is unwell? Phone and let the school know Only medicine prescribed by a doctor Must have the child’s name printed on it Fill out the relevant form so that we can administer it correctly. Children with sickness or diarrhoea must be absent from school for 48 hours.

13 Keeping You Informed Newsletters via parent mail.
Notice board in the cloakroom Parents evenings

14 A Few Reminders NAME everything we all wear the same uniform!
Don’t forget to send in a letter if your child is absent We have an open door policy so if you would like to talk to the class teacher please make an appointment with her either before or after school. Please make sure that you fill in a permission form for other people to collect your child as we cannot let any children go with adults who are not on the consent forms.

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