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Photogeneration of Reduced Catalysts with Vibrationally Hot Electrons

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1 Photogeneration of Reduced Catalysts with Vibrationally Hot Electrons
Gerald J. Meyer, Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University The scientific objective of this proposed research is to quantify molecular-level, interfacial electron transfer processes that capture energy that would otherwise be lost to vibrational (or phonon) relaxation. The research was enabled by two recent experimental findings: 1) the demonstration of efficient, ultrafast interfacial electron transfer from molecular excited states to anatase TiO2 nanocrystallites; and 2) the realization that the TiO2 conduction band states can be widely tuned in energy (> 1.5 eV). The use of semiconductor nanocrystallites as acceptors and as conduits for ‘hot’ electrons has not previously been explored. The research is fundamental and directly relevant to exceeding the well-known Shockley-Queisser limit of single-junction photovoltaic cells.

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