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Enter Your Work Unit Here Enter Date Here

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1 Enter Your Work Unit Here Enter Date Here
Items in red require your input!! Please refer to the resource “A Guide to Understanding and Sharing Your Survey Results” for information found in this template. Specifically, refer to page 13 “Sharing Your Survey Results” for instructions on how to fill-out and complete this template for your Results Rollout Session with your work unit. Enter Your Work Unit Here Enter Date Here

2 Today’s Agenda ⬖ Review the Press Ganey Employee Voice Model ⬘ Present and discuss work unit results ⬗ Discuss next steps

3 High Performance Organization
Employee Voice Model Organization Domain Manager Employee High Performance Organization Engagement Workforce All of the items on the survey come together in our Employee Voice Model, which is the foundation for the survey. Along the left side of the model there are three domains: Organizational, Manager, and Employee The Organization Domain reflects the degree to which your employees feel connected to the overall organization. The Manager Domain reflects the degree to which your employees feel connected to their supervisor/manager. The employee domain reflects the degree to which your employees feel connected to their colleagues and jobs.

4 Engagement Score Engagement Score Enter # Here Organization Domain
Work Unit Average Engagement Score Enter # Here Organization Domain Manager Domain Employee Domain DESCRIPTION The Engagement Score indicates the degree of commitment team members feel toward the organization. Work units that are very connected to the organization will have a very strong level of commitment.

5 Team Index Score Enter Work Unit Here
Enter Team Index Score Here (I, II, or III) DESCRIPTION The Team Index Score is a team outcome metric based on items that most powerfully impact team performance. INDEX TEAM INDEX PERFORMANCE POWER ITEM SCORE Team Index I Above Average Performance 5.0 − 4.15 Team Index II Average Performance 4.14 − 3.80 Team Index III Below Average Performance 3.79 or below

6 Team Index Score Power Item Domain
Different work units work well together in this organization. Organization This organization conducts business in an ethical manner. This organization provides high-quality care and service. This organization supports me in balancing my work life and personal life. My pay is fair compared to other healthcare employers in this area. This organization treats employees with respect. This organization provides career development opportunities. The person I report to treats me with respect. Manager I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job. I am involved in decisions that affect my work. I respect the abilities of the person to whom I report. The person I report to is a good communicator. My work unit works well together. Employee I like the work I do. My job makes good use of my skills and abilities. Team Index Score Based on the 15 Power Items; the items that most powerfully impact team performance Cross section of ORG, MGR and EMP items Who “owns” the Tier Score? Answer: The team Reason: Fosters work unit accountability for self-regulation; managers facilitate team improvement and report on team progress.

7 Enter Leader Index Score Here
Enter Work Unit Here Enter Leader Index Score Here Please remind the group that we share and review the results first, then come back to action plan. DESCRIPTION The Leader Index Score represents team members’ readiness to engage in feedback and action planning. The score is assigned through calculations on a 100-point scale from survey items specific to manager performance. INDEX READINESS SCORE High readiness 90 – 100 Moderately high readiness 80 – 89 Moderate readiness 70 – 79 Moderately low readiness 60 – 69 Low readiness 0 – 59

8 Leader Index Score Leader Index Items Domain
The person I report to treats me with respect. MGR The person I report to encourages teamwork. I am involved in decisions that affect my work. I respect the abilities of the person to whom I report. The person I report to is a good communicator. The person I report to cares about my job satisfaction. Manager-employee relationship Based on 6 Manager Domain Items Used consistently across all PG clients Reported on a 100 point scale; higher scores indicate a stronger manager-employee relationship Who “owns” the APR score? Answer: The manager Reason: Fosters individual accountability for leader improvement.

9 Our Strengths Item Domain Enter Strength Here Enter Domain Here

10 Clarification of Results - Strengths
⬖ Did any of our strengths surprise you? ⬘ What strengths do we want to continue to build upon as a team?

11 Our Concerns Item Domain Enter Concern Here Enter Domain Here

12 Clarification of Results - Concerns
⬖ Did any of our concerns surprise you? ⬘ If we could improve one concern, which concern would you focus on?

13 Next Steps ⬖ Summarize Feedback ⬗ Hold Action Planning Session ⬘ Share Action Plan with Team ⬙ Regularly Review Action Plan

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