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Chapter 6 Inheritance.

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1 Chapter 6 Inheritance

2 Inheritance Hierarchies Modeling Specialization and Generalization
Real world: Hierarchies describe general/specific relationships General concept at root of tree More specific concepts are children Programming: Inheritance hierarchy General superclass at root of tree More specific subclasses are children When designing systems, look for instances of generalization and specialization

3 Example Hierarchy of Employee Classes

4 The Substitution Principle (1)
Formulated by Barbara Liskov You can use a subclass object whenever a superclass object is expected example: Employee e; e = new Manager(“Barnie Smith”); ... System.out.println("salary=" + e.getSalary()); Can set e to Manager reference Polymorphism: Correct getSalary method is invoked

5 The Substitution Principle (2)
In Java, the type rules always allow a subclass object to be used when a superclass object is expected. However, the question is whether the subclass object can replace the superclass one, conceptually! Don't use inheritance if substitution principle is violated

6 Invoking Superclass Methods (1)
Can't access private fields of superclass (If salary is a private fields in Employee) public class Manager extends Employee {    public double getSalary()    {       return salary + bonus;  // ERROR--private field     }    ... }

7 Invoking Superclass Methods (2)
(1st Trial to Solve) Be careful when calling superclass method    public double getSalary()  {       return getSalary() + bonus;  // ERROR--recursive call }

8 Invoking Superclass Methods (3)
(Solution) Use super keyword    public double getSalary()    {       return super.getSalary() + bonus;     } Can you do super.super? No, super is not a reference

9 Invoking Superclass Methods (4)
(Another Trial to Solve) public class Manager extends Employee {    ... private double salary; //ERROR-replicated field }

10 Invoking Superclass Constructors
Use super keyword in subclass constructor: public Manager(String aName) {    super(aName); // calls superclass constructor    bonus = 0; } Call to super must be first statement in subclass constructor If a subclass constructor does not call a superclass constructor, then the superclass constructor with no parameters is called automatically.

11 Hierarchy of Swing Components (1)
Base of hierarchy: Component Most important subclass: Container

12 Hierarchy of Swing Components (2)

13 Graphic Programming with Inheritance
Chapter 4: Create drawings by implementing Icon interface type Now: Form subclass of JComponent public class MyComponent extends JComponent {    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)    {       drawing instructions go here    }    ... } Advantage: Inherit behavior from JComponent Example: Can attach mouse listener to JComponent

14 Graphic Programming with Inheritance Overriding paintComponent (1)
Draw a car: public class CarComponent extends JComponent {    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)    {       Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;       car.draw(g2);    }    private CarShape car; }

15 Mouse Listeners To Complete the car drawing program (1)
Attach mouse listener to component Can listen to mouse events (clicks) or mouse motion events public interface MouseListener { void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event); void mousePressed(MouseEvent event); void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event); void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event); void mouseExited(MouseEvent event); }

16 Mouse Listeners To Complete the car drawing program (2)
public interface MouseMotionListener { void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event); void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event); }

17 Mouse Adapter To Complete the car drawing program (3)
What if you just want to listen to mousePressed? Listener interface types with many methods have corresponding adapter classes with do-nothing methods. Extend the adapter rather than implementing the listener.

18 Mouse Adapter To Complete the car drawing program (4)
public class MouseAdapter implements MouseListener { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {} }

19 Mouse Adapter To Complete the car drawing program (5)
Extend MouseAdapter Component constructor adds listener: addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { mouse action goes here } });

20 Car Drawing Program ch6/car/ ch6/car/

21 Abstract Classes (1) An abstract method is undefined and must be defined in a subclass. A class with one or more abstract class methods must be declared as an abstract class. public abstract class SelectableShape implements SceneShape { … }

22 Abstract Classes (2) You can not construct an object of an abstract class. SelectableShape shape = new SelectableShape(); //Error SelectableShape shape = new HouseShape(); //OK

23 Abstract Classes (3)

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