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Yield Sooting Index (YSI)

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1 Yield Sooting Index (YSI)
A Sooting Tendency Database for Accelerating the Implementation of Biomass-Derived Fuels Contact Information ORCID: X Charles S. McEnally, Lance K. Tan, Dhrubajyoti D. Das, Lisa D. Pfefferle Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT Sooting Tendencies Yield Sooting Index (YSI) The Co-optima Program Soot is the second largest source of global warming Ambient particles cause 3M deaths/year worldwide The fuel strongly affects soot formation in flames A sooting tendency quantifies these effects A high quality database of sooting tendencies will enable selection of fuels that minimize soot emissions Dope small amount of test fuel into reference methane/air flame Measure soot concentration Fv Sooting Tendency = maximum Fv Rescale to Yield Sooting Index (YSI) YSI = A × Fv,max + B A and B chosen such that: YSI = n-hexane YSI = benzene Our Objective: Build the knowledge base necessary to choose biomass compounds that produce the lowest possible emissions of soot particulates while satisfying requirements for transportation fuels Overall Project Objective: accelerate the introduction of biomass-derived transportation fuels that have lower emissions, promote the domestic economy, and enable more efficient engines. Fuel Methane Nitrogen Test Fuel, 1000 ppm Air Fuel = Ethanol Fuel = Benzene Sponsor: Department of Energy’s Co-optimization of Fuels and Engines program (award DE-EE ) Online Database Data Collaborations Data Issues We have posted our database to the Harvard Dataverse Professionally-maintained website that is easy to use, has version control and appropriate backup, etc. Disseminates data without our active involvement Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSPR) for predicting YSI of untested hydrocarbons Collaboration with Peter St. John and Seonah Kim of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Finding an appropriate archive for data Yale and our research field do not have archives Providing data in usable form with necessary metadata Different levels of data: raw camera images, 2D maps of soot concentration, YSI values for each fuel Open access and preprint servers American Chem Society is hostile to preprints Tools like Github, iPython, Latex They have their benefits but most of our collaborators do not use them Bureaucratic constraints DOE requirements Material Transfer Agreement with PNNL for samples Computational simulations of our flames using detailed mechanisms Collaboration with Yuan Xuan of Penn State and William Pitz of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory QR code points to database Model Expt

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