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Presentation on theme: "MORE ABOUT PUBERTY."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Erections Sometimes erections occur without warning during puberty.
Erections may or may not be connected to sexual thoughts. Remember, your body is getting used to all the new hormones. This is normal. You may think everyone can notice, but it’s more likely that they cannot. Erections can go away pretty quickly on their own. Most of your male peers are experiencing the same thing. Talking about your feelings to a friend, older sibling or parent may help if you have concerns

3 2. Noctural Emission “I sometimes wake up with a wet, sticky spot on my underwear or pajama pants. It's not urine, so what is it?”

4 Nocturnal emission also known as a ’’wet dream’’ Noctural : at night Emission : discharge This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy's asleep

5 Wet dreams begin during puberty when the body starts making more testosterone, the major male hormone. This is completely NORMAL It can't be controlled and you can't stop them from happening most guys experience them at some point during puberty and even sometimes as adults Wet dreams usually happen less as guys get older

6 2. Injuries There are lots of ways for a boy to hurt his penis or scrotum : From riding bike or playing sports It can happen if someone bumps or kicks a boy there

7 Minor injuries : Pain and even could be nauseated for a while The pain should slowly go away in less than an hour Lie down and take it easy for a while, apply ice and take pain relievers if necessary

8 Major injuries ; could be serious
- the pain is really bad - the pain doesn't go away in an hour - the scrotum is bruised, swollen (puffy), or punctured (has a hole in it) if the nausea and vomiting continue if you get a fever See doctor for further treatment !

9 3. Other problems : Urinary Track Infection have pain in scrotum or testicles, even if it didn't get injured or bumped burning sensation when pee Rashes and other infections can make a boy feel itchy or cause pain in the private zone

10 Varicocele Swollen veins that happen in your private part. Sign : a dull ache in the testicle(s) a feeling of heaviness or dragging in the scrotum dilated veins in the scrotum that can be felt (described as feeling like worms or spaghetti) discomfort in the testicle or on that particular side of the scrotum, the testicle is smaller on the side where the dilated veins are (due to difference in blood flow)


12 What Do Doctors Do? checks things like the size, weight, and position of the testicles, and gently rolls each testicle back and forth to feel for lumps or swelling if there is any pain and swelling the doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication to relieve it wearing snug underwear (like briefs) or a jock strap for support

13 Varicocelectomy (a surgical procedure to remove the varicocele)
After surgery, the doctor probably will recommend that a guy wear a scrotal support and place an ice pack on the area to bring down any swelling

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