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(to the stars through hardship)

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Presentation on theme: "(to the stars through hardship)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (to the stars through hardship)
9/10/2019 Title: Anat & Phys 11/20/06 Objectives: To learn about the physiology of muscles. Class Topics Nervous system Test Begin muscle physiology "Ad astra per aspera." (to the stars through hardship) Anonymous Tuesday, September 10, :25 PM

2 Class Assignments Nervous System Test 11/20/06 Read 197-212 11/28/06
9/10/2019 Class Assignments What By When Nervous System Test 11/20/06 Read /28/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 9/10/2019 Postquiz Activities Read p

4 Muscle Tissue Contractility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity
9/10/2019 Muscle Tissue Contractility ability to shorten Excitability receive and respond to a stimulus Extensibility ability to increase in length Elasticity return to resting form after being contracted

5 Purposes Movement Support Heat production
9/10/2019 Purposes Movement working together with nervous and connective tissue as well as bone Support maintain an upright posture as well as strengthen the frame Heat production 75% of energy from contraction is lost as heat

6 Connective Tissue Coverings
9/10/2019 Connective Tissue Coverings Fascia - broad band of collagen-based connective tissue Tendons - connective tissue connecting muscle to bone connects in the periosteum for strength Aponeurosis - fascia of one muscle attaching to that of another muscle

7 Connective Tissue Coverings
9/10/2019 Connective Tissue Coverings Epimysium - surrounding each muscle closely Perimysium - divides the muscle into fascicles around each bundle of muscle fibers Endomysium - surrounding each muscle fiber

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