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Water Photography Winners

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1 Water Photography Winners
Earth Science 1st Period


3 “Mesmerizing; reminds me of a well, swirling and refreshing.”
Ambrosia Espinosa “Mesmerizing; reminds me of a well, swirling and refreshing.”

4 “Colorful behind the water, making the water stand out.”
Jarrett Carlston-Mathews

5 “Those tiny drops – little magnifiers. Each one different.”
Leilanie Chilado “Those tiny drops – little magnifiers. Each one different.”

6 “Muddy water is so still . . . with some muddy reflection.”
Jared Sanchez “Muddy water is so still with some muddy reflection.”

7 “Interesting perspective
“Interesting perspective. Because of the perspective, the snow is highlighted.“ Rebekah Christensen

8 “Very unique. Water encroaches and surrounds; perhaps takes over, but also beautifies.”
Daniela Salcedo

9 “Love the color. The idea is solid.”
Arthur Moliga “Love the color. The idea is solid.”

10 Amilcar Chamale Garcia
“Love the rough water in the background and then flowing in a sheet off the rock.”

11 And now . . .

12 3rd Place Earth Science 1st Period 2019

13 “Captures the beauty of water in the rising steam off the lake
“Captures the beauty of water in the rising steam off the lake. Shows the water cycle in motion.” “So much going on - the shallow mud, the crystal clear center, the steam coming up into the woods, and the reflections of the world around the pond.”

14 Stevie Visher

15 2nd Place Earth Science 1st Period 2019

16 “Love the mix of man and nature – the cracks in the asphalt, the tiny vibrations in the water. Reminds me of being young and riding my bike through puddles.” The pothole brings together the manmade with the beauty of water.”

17 Bree McGee

18 1st Place Earth Science 1st Period 2019

19 “Love the cropping on this one – the way it is framed so you catch the drop just coming off the object. The water gathers to form the drop and the observer is anticipating its fall.” “Well-done demonstration of how water collects and falls – love this capture of rainfall.”

20 Emily Harris

21 Well done, everyone!

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