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Migrant Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Initial Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "Migrant Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Initial Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Migrant Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Initial Webinar
Krissy Smith Amalenalee Lule Brian Yamamoto August 2, 2018 Jay: Good morning everyone, welcome to the California Department of Education Migrant Online Expenditure Budget Revision System webinar 1. (Self introduction) My name is Krissy Smith, Senior Systems Specialist, Technology Services, LACOE, which is CDE’s contractor for this system. Also on the line is Jay Harris, Education Programs Consultant and the System Lead for the CDE Team. This webinar is designed as an initial training for Migrant Education Program regional staff and Direct Funded District staff. If some of the attendees are district level staff as invited by your regional directors, please approach this training from a regional perspective.

2 Webinar Participation Steps
Housekeeping Mute your speaker by pressing * 6 Use the Chat to acknowledge your presence by sending your information to all, for example “Region 10 District ABC is here” Use the Chat to submit your questions Download the PowerPoint from the Webinar Interface If the sound is not coming through, please connect via telephone at and enter password # Jay: Address Housekeeping Information Address Q&A box, have attendees type in his/her name and region or direct funded district number, This is a good time to ensure that all sound components are working properly, If the sound is not coming through please connect via telephone. Conduct a Roll Call to identify Regions and Direct Fund Districts participating. Teleconference Phone Number: Participant passcode: #

3 “Goals” or “Expected” Outcomes
General Overview of the System Obtain Information to Access System Jay: Teleconference Phone Number: Participant passcode: #

4 Outline of Webinar Online Expenditure Budget Revision System
Introduction System Requirements Request an Account and Select a System Role System Functions System Components Jay: This Webinar training is just an initial introduction: For the Online Expenditure Budget Revision System, we will start with a general introduction of the development of the system; We will then talk about the system requirements, how to request a user account and how to select a system role, one that is consistent with the job responsibilities of the user. Last we will briefly go over the system functions and system components which include: Log In System Announcements Expenditure Reporting (ME-7) – to be addressed at a later date (TBD) in an in-depth training. Budget Revision (for updates to the ME-1) – to be addressed at a later date (TBD) in an in-depth training. At a later date, we will provide in-depth detailed training that will address how to use the various input screens for expenditure reporting (ME-7) and budget revisions (for updates to the ME-1) along with other various aspects of the system. Ja

5 Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Initial Introduction
Jay: In past years, the Quarterly Expenditure Reports and Budget Revisions were paper based. Starting in the fiscal year, the paper Expenditure Reporting and Budget Revisions forms have been replaced by the Migrant Online Expenditure Budget Revision System. The system allows immediate access to expenditure reports and Budget Revisions by multiple users, which will include system editors, reviewers, submitters and approvers. The Online Expenditure Budget Revisions System is very user friendly both in terms of data format and system navigation. The process of managing the expenditures and budget revisions are highly efficient via the online platform. 

6 ME–7 (Before) Copying and Pasting into 17 sheets

7 ME–7 (After)

8 Budget Revisions (Before)

9 Budget Revisions (After)

10 What is Different? Standardized Collection of Fiscal Data – A Single Input District and Region ME-7 & ME-1 are embedded in the system – no more copying of district subtotals Online Review and Approval of Expenditure Reports and Budget Revisions Historical Archive of Fiscal Data Districts must enter their own data (Region cannot submit for districts) Jay: Role of Fiscal Staff: Works closely with Region or District program staff to promote greater understanding of all Migrant Education grant-funded programs Increases accuracy, promotes operational and workload efficiencies and saves times in completing recurring and repetitive job tasks Ensures that program plans are supported by or are reflected in the budget even if budget cost is zero and total budget matches budget allocation Not just report the actuals but monitor budget vs actual expenditures and ensure that actual expenditure is an approved expenditure Greater monitoring and oversight and accountability of districts in the Region

11 Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Initial Introduction
Krissy: To access the Online Expenditure Budget Revision System you will use the web address

12 Outline of Webinar Online Expenditure Budget Revision System
Introduction System Requirements Request an Account and Select a System Role System Functions System Components Krissy: System Requirements

13 System Requirements Desktop Devices
The system supports the current and previous major releases of the following browsers: Chrome (“Recommended Browser”) Microsoft Edge Firefox Safari Opera Krissy: System Requirements for Desktop Devices While the system currently supports the current and previous major releases of the following browsers: Chrome (“Recommended Browser”) Microsoft Edge Firefox Safari Opera We highly recommend Chrome as the browser to be used with this website as it allows for the most enhanced use.

14 System Requirement Mobile Devices
The system supports the current and previous major releases of the following browsers: Chrome (“Recommended Browser”) Safari Android Krissy: System Requirements for Mobile Devices While the system currently support the current and previous major releases of the following browsers: Chrome (“Recommended Browser”) Safari Android We highly recommend Chrome as the browser to be used with this website as it allows for the most enhanced use.

15 Outline of Webinar Online Expenditure Budget Revision System
Introduction System Requirements Request a User Account and Select a System Role System Functions System Components Krissy: Requesting a user account and selecting a System Role that is consistent with the user’s job responsibilities. This section is comprised of two components - How to request a user account - How the user should select the proper system role that is consistent with the user’s job responsibilities.

16 How to Request an Account
Krissy: Request a user account and Selecting a System Role that is consistent with the user’s job responsibilities. The user will go to the website All users must signup for an account using an online User Account Form prior to using the MEPEX Budget System. To request an account the Region or Direct Funded District user must do the following: Go to the above indicated web link Click on the Resources tab Click on the Register link

17 How to Request an Account
Krissy: Requesting a user account and Selecting a System Role that is consistent with the user’s job responsibilities. The user will go to the website All users must signup for an account using an online User Account Form prior to using the MEPEX Budget System. To request an account the Region or Direct Funded District user will do the following: Go to the above indicated web link Click on the Resources tab Click on the Register link

18 How to Request an Account
Krissy: Request a user account and Selecting a System Role that is consistent with the user’s job responsibilities The Request Account link will take the user to the User Account Form screen. The following fields must be completed: First Name Last Name address Contact phone number User Function Level District Level Region Level CDE Level Approver Name Approver Approver Phone Number System Role (This will be based on the assigned user’s job responsibilities and related job functions in the system) Region District

19 Selecting a System Role - Region
Expenditure Editor Accountant Account Clerk Accounting Technician Expenditure Required Reviewer Accountant Fiscal Manager Expenditure Optional Reviewer Designee Expenditure Submitter Director Deputy Superintendent or Designee Krissy: Selecting a System Role – Region Level The MEPEX System is made up of two components: Expenditure Reporting and Budget Revisions. Users will select their system roles based on the input or review they will be conducting in the online system and based on the user’s job responsibilities. The roles are as follows: Expenditure Editor: This user enters the expenditures for the Region Expenditure Required Reviewer: This user is required to review and sign off on the expenditures for the Region in order for it to be submitted to the CDE Expenditure Optional Reviewer: This user is optional only. User has access to view district data and comment in the Review History Log Expenditure Submitter: This user Approves expenditures for the Region and submits it to the CDE District Expenditure Approver: This user reviews, adjusts, accepts or rejects District expenditure reports Note: Staff classifications and positions identified here are for illustration purposes only and, as such, are not all encompassing. While the system will allow for multiple user roles to be selected, it is advised that only ONE ROLE FOR EACH USER BE SELECTED PER SYSTEM COMPONENT FOR REGION LEVEL, this does not include the District Approver functions.

20 Selecting a System Role - Region
Budget Editor Accountant, Budget Analyst Account Clerk Accounting Technician Budget Required Reviewer Accountant Fiscal Manager Budget Optional Reviewer Designee Budget Submitter Director Deputy Superintendent or Designee Krissy: Selecting a System Role – Region Level The MEPEX System is made up of two components: Expenditure Reporting and Budget Revisions. Users will select their system roles based on the input or review they will be conducting in the online system and based on the user’s job responsibilities. The roles are as follows: Budget Editor: This user enters the revisions for the Region Budget Required Reviewer: This user is required to review and sign off on the budget revisions for the Region in order for it to be submitted to the CDE Budget Optional Reviewer: This user is optional only. User has access to view district data and comment in Review History Log Budget Submitter: This user Approves budget revisions for the Region and submits it to the CDE District Budget Approver: This user reviews, accepts or rejects District budget revisions Note: Staff classifications and positions identified here are for illustration purposes only and, as such, are not all encompassing. While the system will allow for multiple user roles to be selected, it is advised that only ONE ROLE FOR EACH USER BE SELECTED PER SYSTEM COMPONENT FOR REGION LEVEL, this does not include the District Approver functions.

21 Request an Account Krissy: Request a User Account and Selecting a System Role that is based on the user’s job responsibilities Note: Regarding the role and responsibility of an “Authorizing Administrator” for the Online Expenditure Budget Revision Reporting System, if you are a “district” staff person, then the “Authorizing Administrator” is the Region. If you are a Region staff person, then the “Authorizing Administrator” is the CDE.

22 Outline of Webinar Online Expenditure Budget Revision System
Introduction System Requirements Request an Account/Select a System Role System Functions System Components Krissy: System Functions In this section we will cover the system functions for districts, regions and direct funded districts.

23 Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Functions
CDE Region Direct Service Agreement Memorandum of Understanding Direct Funded District Krissy: System Functions The Online Expenditure Budget Revision System allows regions and districts to electronically submit the Regional Expenditure Reports and Budget Revisions, Direct Funded District Expenditure Reports and Budget Revisions, and District Expenditure Reports and Budget Revisions . As the graph shows, for the Direct Funded Districts, their expenditures and budget revisions will be directly submitted to the CDE. For districts (with direct service agreements and memorandum of understandings) within a region, they will submit their expenditures and budget revisions to the region for approval. The Region approves expenditures and budget revisions for the Direct Service Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings. The regional expenditures and budget revisions with both the regional and district fiscal data will be submitted to the CDE for approval.

24 Online Expenditure Budget Revision System Functions
- Expenditure Reporting - Budget Revisions Expenditure Submissions Budget Revision Submissions Expenditure Review and Approval Budget Revision Review and Approval Krissy: The Online Expenditure Budget Revision System supports three major functions: Creating/Reporting Expenditures (reported in the ME-7) Budget Revisions (creates revised ME-1) Submission Review and Approval When we do the in-depth training, we will present in more detail information about these system functions.

25 Outline of Webinar Online Expenditure Budget Revision System
Introduction System Requirements Request an Account and Select a System Role System Functions System Components Krissy: System Components

26 System Components Log In System Announcements
Krissy: System Components The System is composed of several different components, and we will address two of those components today. These components are: Log In System Announcements

27 Logging In Krissy: Logging In
Once the user has requested an account, and it is approved, the user is ready to log in, and he or she will do the following: 1. Return to the website we previously discussed: 2. In the right hand corner is the Log In a. The user will click that link

28 Logging In User’s e-mail address Krissy: Logging In Temporary password
Once the Log In link is clicked it will direct the user to the Log In page. To Log In the user will enter the following information: User Name: This is the user’s address Password: The first time will be the password you are assigned when the user signed up for the account NOTE: This is also where users go to reset forgotten passwords.

29 Click here to change temporary password
The fourteen sections in a Regional Application: Logging In Click here to change temporary password Krissy: Logging In Once the user has logged in he or she needs to change his or her temporary password to a unique password. To do so he or she will do the following: 1. Click on his or her user name in the right hand corner

30 Change temporary password to a unique password
The fourteen sections in a Regional Application: Logging In Click here Change temporary password to a unique password Krissy.

31 The fourteen sections in a Regional Application:
Logging In Enter temporary password Enter new unique password Krissy: By clicking the link the user will be taken to the Change Password screen. The user will enter the following: Current password: This will be the user’s temporary password New Password: This will be the new unique password Confirm new password: This will again be the new unique password Click “Change Password” button The password is now changed and updated Click here once done

32 System Components Log In System Announcements
Krissy: Application Components The System is composed of several different components we will address two of those components today. These components are: Log In System Announcements

33 Announcements Krissy: Announcements
The fourteen sections in a Regional Application: Announcements Krissy: Announcements Once the user logs into the system he or she is directed to the Home Page. On this page, the user will see: System Wide Announcements: These announcements will be placed by the LACOE system development team when there are updates to the system. These will include but are not limited to site improvements and new features. Region News: These announcements are Region specific. The Region Administrator will be able to put up announcements to its districts that pertain to deadlines or new protocols for submissions of expenditure or revision reporting. Note: Region Admin are assigned by the CDE-- Region Consultants

34 Questions: Krissy.

35 Next Steps All Region and District Personnel that will be using the online system need to have a user account request submitted by August 15, 2018 In-depth Training will be conducted and the specific date will be provided by the CDE Migrant Education Office Krissy: Next Steps All Region and District Personnel that will be using the system need to have account requests done by 8/15/2018. In-depth Trainings will be conducted and dates will be provided by the CDE.

36 Questions: Krissy.

37 Technical Assistance & Communication Plan
Krissy: There are 4 levels in the communication plan. Inquiry Submission Process: If a staff member at Level I has questions, this person will submit the inquiry to the District Lead. If the District Lead needs support to respond to the inquiry, the District Lead will contact the Regional Lead. The Regional Lead will share the inquiry among the regional Online System team members who have been trained by the state office to generate a response to the District Lead. If the inquiry can not be resolved at the Regional Level, it will be the Regional Lead who will contact the Level III Online Application System Help Desk for support. The Help Desk will be able to respond to basic inquiries. For complex inquiries, the Help Desk will forward them to either the system consultants at LACOE or program consultants at the state MEO. The consultants will directly contact the Regional Lead to provide technical assistance. Note that we are expanding and growing the system from 5 active regions and Direct Fund Districts to a total of 20; 15 regions and 5 Direct Funded Districts. Accordingly, there may be some growing pains along the way, therefore, we ask for your patience and understanding as we move forward.

38 Online System Technical Issues
For technical issues contact: LACOE Help Desk Telephone: Krissy.

39 Thank you for your participation today!
Jay Harris Education Programs Consultant California Department of Education Jay.

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