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Topics Welcome and Introductions

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1 Career and College Promise Bi-Monthly Skype Update Meeting March 21, 2017

2 Topics Welcome and Introductions
Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C) CCP and Nurse Aide Pathway Compliance Other Reminders Contracting with HS faculty to teach CCP courses Term Eligibility and CCP Student Enrollment CCP Moodle Page Pre-ACT Scores Arriving Transfer Pathways and MAT 152 Other Updates CCP Leadership Webinar (March 29th) CCP Pilot Application Timeline CIHS Updates Other CCP Updates Questions Next Bi-Monthly Skype Meeting 7/31/2019

3 Career and College Promise (CCP) Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C)
The current CCP Transfer Pathways leading to the Associate in Science and Associate in Arts do not contain the general education courses required in Nursing. A CCP pathway, specific to nursing, is needed which will assist high school juniors and seniors who wish to begin their educational studies toward the Associate in Nursing degree and a Baccalaureate degree in Nursing. 7/31/2019

4 Career and College Promise (CCP) Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C)
This Pathway is based on Block 1 of the Uniform Articulation Agreement between the University of North Carolina’s Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs and the North Carolina Community College Associate Degree Nursing Programs which was approved by the State Board of Community Colleges and the UNC Board of Governors in February 2015. This pathway was presented to State Board for information in March and will be presented for action at the April Board meeting. 7/31/2019

5 CCP and Nurse Aide Pathway Students

6 The mission of the Division of Health Service Regulation is to provide for the health, safety and well-being of individuals through effective regulatory and remedial activities including appropriate consultation and training opportunities and by improving access to health care delivery systems through the rational allocation of needed facilities and services.

7 All training programs must now be state-approved.
§ 42CFR State review and approval of nurse aide training and competency evaluation programs All training programs must now be state-approved. NCDPI approve and monitor high school only programs DHSR approve and monitor all other programs statewide, regardless of location Colleges Hospitals and other health care facilities Licensed proprietary schools Variations of types, such as CCP (whether being taught at the college or the high school) Monitoring includes reviews at least every 2 years and complaint follow-up. Non-compliance can lead to withdrawal of the training program.

8 CCP Nurse Aide The following courses are governed by the NC Division of Health Service Regulation (NC DHSR) and require NC DHSR approval prior to implementation of the course. A separate approval is required for each CTE location and a separate approval is required for traditionally offered courses: NAS 101 Nurse Aide I NAS 103 Home Health Care Nurse Aide NAS 106 Geriatric Aide The application for each of these courses is located at Questions regarding applications may be directed to the Regional Office Education Consultants for NC DHSR at (919) The following course is governed by the North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) and requires NCBON approval prior to implementation of the course. A separate approval is required for the CTE and traditionally offered course: NAS 102 Nurse Aide II 7/31/2019

9 CCP Nurse Aide A separate CCP Nurse Aide application, in addition to the traditional program application, must be submitted to the appropriate approval bodies i.e. NC DHSR or the NCBON. A college that plans to offer a CCP NA program at multiple high school sites MUST have an approval code for each of the sites by NC DHSR. A separate CTE electronic nurse aide program of study, in addition to the traditional program of study, must be submitted into Colleague for System Office approval prior to implementation. 7/31/2019

10 CCP Nurse Aide A CCP student MUST be a minimum of 16 ½ years of age to be enrolled (the first day of term/semester) in the NAS 101 Nurse Aide I course. In order for the Nurse Aide I to renew their listing on the Nurse Aide I registry they must work a minimum of eight hours during the aide’s 24 month registry listing period, perform the duties of a nurse aide I, be supervised by a registered nurse and receive monetary compensation. Regarding all high school and CCP training programs, AGE is a critical: Individuals passing the Nurse Aide Competency Exam are given 24 months to complete at least 8 hours of work under the supervision of a RN, for pay. Many health care facilities will not hire nurse aides until the age of 18. If students pass the exam and are unable to work until 18, their credentials will expire and they will be required to retrain, not just retest. Nursing homes and other healthcare facilities may be unaware of the age of students involved in nurse aide training through a community college. SAFETY of the residents/patients/clients is our top priority. We also want to protect families, students, and visitors.

11 CCP Nurse Aide The CTE program of study cannot include a course pick list. NAS 107 Medication Aide cannot be included in a Career and College Promise program of study. Rule 21 NCAC (c) notes The applicant for a medication aide training program approved by the Board must have a high school diploma or GED. Questions related to the Medication Aide course may be directed to Burnette Brown at the NCBON. Questions related to the Medication Aide listing should be directed to Kathy Turner, Assistant Section Chief, at the NC Division of Health Service Regulation. 7/31/2019

12 CCP Nurse Aide In CCP, the Nurse Aide faculty are responsible for teaching the college-level course ( i.e. NAS 101 and not the high school Fundamentals of Nursing course). It is unacceptable to “blend” the college and high school curriculums together. The nurse aide course is to be taught according to the syllabus that was reviewed and approved by the NC DHSR (NA I or Geriatric Aide) or the NCBON (NA II). 7/31/2019

13 CCP Nurse Aide In CCP, the mode of delivery for the NAII course cannot be hybrid or virtually taught. NAI hybrid courses may be approved under special conditions only. The allowances made for CTE CCP students cannot be extended to students in any other programs. 7/31/2019

14 Regional Consultants for Nurse Aide Training

15 North Carolina Board of Nursing
Contact Information Kathy Turner N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Chief – HCPR Section – Division of Health Service Regulation Phone:  (919) Joyce Roth North Carolina Board of Nursing Associate Director Organizational Development Phone: (919) ext. 269 Renee Godwin Batts North Carolina Community College System Associate Director, Academic Programs Telephone (919)

16 Collaboration: Contracting with HS Faculty to Teach CC Courses
Ensure you have qualified faculty and that you adhere to info in CC when employing high school teachers as instructors in colleges courses. Ensure that content taught in CCP sections of college courses is equivalent in every way to that taught in any other section of the course. Ensure that you have accurate documentation of when the course is taught (if it is F2F), again, just as you do for any other section of that course (or any course),and that the documentation establishes specific college class beginning ending time/dates.

17 Collaboration: Contracting with HS Faculty to Teach CC Courses
Bottom line is that colleges have a responsibility to ensure learning outcomes are equivalent in all sections of courses for which you have academic responsibility. This would include ensuring the same sorts of evaluation processes for all classes.

18 Term Eligibility and CCP Student Enrollment
Amendment of 1E SBCCC – “General Provisions” On 20 January 2017, the State Board of Community Colleges (“SBCC”) voted to amend 1E SBCCC – “General Provisions.” The SBCC amended 1E SBCCC – “General Provisions” to clarify the issue of waiver eligibility when a student’s status may change mid-term. The intent is for the waiver to apply to any course section offered during the academic term, regardless of when the term starts, if a student meets the eligibility requirements as of the first day of the term.  The updated section of code requires students be eligible for the CCP program on the first day of the term in order to be eligible for the waiver.   This change may impact rising juniors as they may not be eligible at the start of the term (i.e. summer). However, students will have the opportunity to take courses during the summer term following their senior year. They will still be enrolled in high school (and still in CCP) at the start of the term. 7/31/2019

19 CCP Moodle Page The CCP Moodle Page is up and running.
Please send Lisa: Suggestions for content Requests for individual access to the page Name (first and last) address 7/31/2019

20 Pre-ACT – Scores Now Arriving at Colleges
Was given to 10th grade high school students in October 2016 Cut scores were shared with State Board for information on September 16th, 2016 and have been added to the Operating Procedures (Attachment A). Reminder: The cut scores for the Pre-ACT were set by ACT. 7/31/2019

21 MAT 152 and CTP Students Several colleges have had questions about MAT 152 for students enrolled in the AS transfer pathway – which is a course not included in the AS pathway. Points to consider: Does the student need it for their intended major (as outlined in the 4-year degree plan published by the university? If so, the student should provide the CCP Coordinator with that documentation which should be added to the student file prior to the student enrolling in the course. If not, should they be enrolled in the AA pathway instead of the AS pathway? 7/31/2019

22 Other Updates CCP Leadership Webinar: Co-hosted by DPI and NCCCS - March 29th This is a follow-up to the CCP Leadership Summits held in fall of 2016 and spring 2017. The focus of the webinar will be student support and improved communication/collaboration between partners CCP Pilot Application Timeline Pilot colleges are going live with pilot application in mid-April Pilot will operate though fall 2017; Next steps/roll out TBD in Spring 2018 7/31/2019

23 Other Updates CIHS Updates Other Updates/Legislative Proposals
CIHS letter of intent from applicants for the application cycle are due to NCDPI April 21, 2017 Technical Assistance Opportunities May 18 APPLICANT ORIENTATION June 21 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WEBINAR July 19 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Applications for the CIHS cycle will be due September 15, 2017. Other Updates/Legislative Proposals CCP and Continuing Education Pathways CIHS applications and Charter Schools 7/31/2019

24 Questions?

25 Bi-Monthly CCP Coordinator Skype Meetings
Mark your calendars: CCP Skype Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday every other month. The next CCP Skype Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th 9:30-10:30am. These are not required, but will be your chance to receive more frequent updates and gain support for your programs. 7/31/2019

26 For more information: Lisa Mabe Eads, Ph.D

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