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Getting Involved with the Us TOO Online Auction

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Involved with the Us TOO Online Auction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Involved with the Us TOO Online Auction

2 Why do a fundraiser? To generate funds to carry out the Us TOO mission
Provide resources to improve & expand Us TOO services Us TOO has never had a national fundraising event Increase community awareness of local chapter services Potential to obtain new supporters, donors Increase national awareness of Us TOO mission, prostate cancer patient needs Opportunity to generate excitement within chapters & local community

3 Why do an Online Auction?
Consumer comfort and familiarity with online shopping Consumer comfort and familiarity with online bidding via eBay Non-profits are successfully using the Internet to drive results in Fundraising, Outreach and Communications (eg. Katrina, tsunami relief) Dramatically more efficient, low-cost way to reach new constituents Execute quick, timely campaigns and events Average gift online is % higher Live special events are costly and time consuming for organizations with limited resources

4 2006 Us TOO Online Auction Goals
Increase amount of funding received from fundraising events* Increase number of individuals donating to Us TOO* Increase awareness of Us TOO mission Generate sense of excitement and fun! * As per Us TOO Strategic Development Plan, Created May 26, 2004 by the Us TOO Board of Directors

5 Where? Or follow links from

6 Auction Website Now Open to view catalog

7 When? Bidding begins the day after Memorial Day Weekend –
Tuesday, May 30th at 8:00 am ET Bidding ends the day after Father’s Day – Monday, June 19th at 11:59 pm ET Auction is open for a 3-week time period to bid, watch AND obtain more donated items Auction website is open NOW to view items!

8 Seeking Donated Items! Items people are willing to buy
Things or experiences Appeal to Everyone or Targeted Group (collectors) Appeal to men, women, children, young adults Unique, or tied to pop culture or celebrity From variety of geographic locations Not connected to a geographic location Need items < $100 or <$200

9 Examples of Items Desired
Digital cameras, cell phones, mp3 players Cooking items, kitchen utensils and appliances DVDs and music CDs, books Video games Children’s toys, strollers, etc. Gift baskets based on a theme (wine lovers, movie lovers, new baby, gardening, house warming, etc.) Tickets to sporting events, concerts or shows Have lunch with a famous person (get the lunch donated, too!) Week or weekend at your timeshare Handbags, watches Gift certificates for stores, professional services Collectibles or celebrity memorabilia

10 Item Donations Collection
Need for every item: Photo Item description Price or fair market value Name of donor (if person wants recognition) Submit items either online from auction site using “Donate an Item” button, or use Item Donation Form from the Us TOO website Send item(s) and completed forms to Us TOO home office before May 19, 2006 if at all possible. Items will continue to be accepted through June 16.

11 How to view auction catalog and donate items


13 Auction Watch: View Featured Items

14 Where to keep tabs on items of interest


16 Auction Promotion: Target Audience
Us TOO website, HotSheet, NEWS You Can Use, Prostate Pointers, past donors and contacts Chapter network, Regional Directors and Board Us TOO corporate supporters and partners Ask item donors and Friends of Us TOO to contact their friends, coworkers, relatives about the auction and highlighted items Ask item donors and Friends of Us TOO to assist by contacting known individuals or groups with a strong interest in specific item

17 Auction Promotion: Communication Vehicles
s Web site announcements Us TOO mailings Flyers posted in local community by Chapters Newspapers, Media Phone calls to friends, contacts supportive of cause

18 Auction Promotion: Viral Marketing
Tell your personal and professional contacts Forward the s Us TOO sends you, to your friends, family, coworkers, contacts On the auction website, use the “ this Page” and “Refer a Friend” buttons Ask your friends to pass along the information to THEIR FRIENDS Looking for exponential reach to new contacts!

19 Auction web site helps with promotions


21 How Chapters Can Get Involved
Promote auction dates with chapter members at meetings, in newsletter, on web site Seek item donations from members, personal friends, physicians, supporters, sponsors, local companies Have a contest to see who can donate the item that raises the most money Make an event of the event. Create a promotion PLAN prior to and during the entire 3 week event period to engage members and Friends of your chapter.

22 How Chapters Can Get Involved, cont.
Post signs where you meet, library, schools, work places, physician offices, hospitals, grocery stores, coffee shops, churches and synagogues. Post announcements in your chapter newsletter, create telephone trees, s, etc. Contact local newspapers, periodicals, TV and radio stations about the event (Us TOO to provide press release in May) Talk to personal friends, relatives, coworkers, club members, religious affiliations, professional contacts about the auction, highlight items of interest

23 Resources Visit the auction website at
Visit the Us TOO website auction information page for sample letters, flyers, sample press releases at Questions? Pam Barrett Us TOO Director of Development

24 HAVE FUN!! Thank you for your support of this first national event for
Us TOO International! HAVE FUN!!

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