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Asset Management Plan Development and Implementation Support

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Presentation on theme: "Asset Management Plan Development and Implementation Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asset Management Plan Development and Implementation Support
Award Contract P-2860 Asset Management Plan Development and Implementation Support Commission Agenda Item #9

2 Background Asset management is critical to efficiently manage infrastructure, equipment Requires alignment of organizational processes, people, technology Includes assessment of physical mortality, capacity, cost, level of service risks Leads to investment recommendations to achieve organizational goals Minimizes risk in most cost-effective manner

3 Background (continued)
2050 FP based on asset management approach AMP began under 2050 FP project AMP split off as separate project (P-2860) P-2860 is focused on: Completing the AMP Evaluating business processes Developing ongoing processes for continuous improvement

4 Example of software tool being completed under the AM contract
Example of software tool being completed under the AM contract. This is the conveyance system dashboard that allows evaluation of: Data quality Risk and Failure Modes Investment Forecast

5 Conveyance system dashboard showing evaluation of risk
Conveyance system dashboard showing evaluation of risk. Can be displayed graphically with GIS. Can be filtered to specific levels of risk. And can be filtered by specific areas of the system (subsystem and legs). Powerful tools to better explain and understand risk drivers, locations and holistic system approach.

6 Tools lead to improved ability to forecast future investment needs
Tools lead to improved ability to forecast future investment needs. Leads to proactive and planned investments and reduced reactive emergency repairs. Improves ability to forecast costs and rates.

7 Project Scope Complete Asset Management Plan
Business process evaluation Standard operating procedure development People and data workflows Continued development of asset management technology tools Asset system dashboards Business case evaluation template Risk register

8 Project Cost/Schedule
Request for $769,080 Project complete in 18 months


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