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Highlights for Readers.

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1 Highlights for Readers

2 Chapter 1 Introduction: The How and the Why
Purpose of Chapter 1 Look ahead to the book’s strengths-based talent development content Explore the short-term and long-term benefits of Strengths-Based Project Teams Get an overview of foundational strengths development building blocks Understand that the book’s content is adaptable to fit your unique project team

3 Overview of Remaining Chapters
Chapter 2: Definitions Chapter 3: History Chapter 4: Starting Point Chapter 5: Mapping Chapter 6: Process Chapter 7: Sustaining Chapter 8: Action Plan

5 BLOCK 6 – PROJECT TEAM: INTENTIONALLY APPLY TALENTS – Orchestrate STRENGTHS – Developing and applying BLOCK 5 – PROJECT TEAM: ARTICULATE TALENTS – Articulate the team’s collective talents, themes, and domains STRENGTHS – Articulate the team’s collective strengths . BLOCK 4 – PROJECT TEAM: UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE TALENTS – Understand and appreciate one another’s talent lenses (ways of thinking, feeling, behaving) STRENGTHS – Understand, appreciate, and affirm one another’s strengths Chapter 6 4 6 Foundation Blocks MAPPING: CONNECTING STRENGTHS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT BLOCK 3 – INDIVIDUAL: INTENTIONALLY APPLY TALENTS – Invest in Talents to develop Strengths STRENGTHS – Leverage strengths toward individual tasks and challenges Communicate and leverage strengths to work with others Continue developing existing strengths BLOCK 2 – INDIVIDUAL: ARTICULATE TALENTS – Articulate talents STRENGTHS – Articulate existing and potential strengths BLOCK 1 – INDIVIDUAL: DISCOVER AND APPRECIATE TALENTS – Discover and appreciate talents in motion STRENGTHS – Discover and appreciate existing strengths in motion Chapter 4 1 2 3 STRENGTHS DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION: Learn foundational strengths-based development principles, building blocks, and tools Chapter 3

5 Chapter 1 Key Takeaways Multifold beneficial outcomes of becoming a Strengths- Based Project Team Key strengths foundational blocks essential for becoming a Strengths-Based Project Team A strengths-based project manager’s: PM Tool Kit includes specific strengths-based tools Role includes creating a strengths-based plan for their unique project team

6 Chapter 2 Definitions: Staying Aligned
Purpose of Chapter 2 Define and clarify terminology used in the book Explain the PM’s role in talent development Demonstrate how to align expectations on a project team

7 Chapter 2: Shared Expectations Example
Exhibit 2.1 Shared expectations document

8 Chapter 2 Key Takeaways Definitions of the book’s key terms
Important to align strengths and PM terminology Shared Expectations exercise: Helps the team communicate and stay aligned Catalyst for maximizing the strengths of the project team

9 Chapter 3 Overview of Strengths Philosophy
Purpose of Chapter 3 Begin adding strength tools to PM Tool Kit Understand: Foundational strengths development building blocks for individual (project manager) development Characteristics of Strengths-Based Project Teams Strengths-Based Project Team approach

10 Chapter 3 3 2 1 Foundation Blocks for INDIVIDUAL Talent Development
BLOCK 3 – INDIVIDUAL: INTENTIONALLY APPLY TALENTS – Invest in Talents to develop Strengths STRENGTHS – Leverage strengths toward individual tasks and challenges Communicate and leverage strengths to work with others Continue developing existing strengths BLOCK 2 – INDIVIDUAL: ARTICULATE TALENTS – Articulate talents STRENGTHS – Articulate existing and potential strengths BLOCK 1 – INDIVIDUAL: DISCOVER AND APPRECIATE TALENTS – Discover and appreciate talents in motion STRENGTHS – Discover and appreciate existing strengths in motion Chapter 4 1 2 3

11 Chapter 3 Exhibit 3.2 Key elements for strengths development

12 Chapter 3 Key Takeaways Strengths-Based Project Teams understand:
Individual strengths development is fundamental Strengths begin with dominant talents Investing in dominant talents yields high return on investment Talent investment ingredients include: PM skills and knowledge Practice Strengths-Based Project Teams: Are a collection of complementary partnerships Maximize their project team’s collective strengths

13 Chapter 4 Developing Your Strengths as a PM
Purpose of Chapter 4 Add more tools to PM Tool Kit Take CliftonStrengths® Begin using strengths building blocks from Chapter 3 Discover, appreciate, articulate talents and strengths Apply strengths in Project Manager role

14 Chapter 4 Exhibit 4.3 Working document for your Strengths Building Blocks List

15 Chapter 4 Exhibit 4.5 My Talents and Strengths Grid - Template Talent
theme Talent Investment: Skills = Strength Experience Knowledge Practice Ways I use/could use this specific strength My specific talent My specific talent investments My specific strength

16 Chapter 4 Exhibit Example of strengths building blocks lists

17 Chapter 4 Key Takeaways Strengths-Based:
Project Teams begin with the Project Manager PMs apply their strengths in their role PM Tool Kit contains strengths tools: CliftonStrengths® Reports Strengths Concepts from Chapter 3 Strengths Exercises from Chapter 4

18 Chapter 5 Connecting Strengths & PM
Purpose of Chapter 5 Connect CliftonStrengths® Themes to Project Management Understand Theme Dynamics concept Explore Theme Dynamics in developing Project Management strengths

19 Project Management Themes
Chapter 5 34 Talent Themes mapped to… Project Management Themes Exhibit 5.1 Connecting talent themes to project management Due to copyright permission, the actual mapping cannot be displayed here. See Exhibit 5.1 in the book on page 82.

20 Chapter 5 Team Member A Achiever® Focus® Harmony® Input® Maximizer® B
Theme Dynamics Team Member A Achiever® Focus® Harmony® Input® Maximizer® B Analytical® Arranger® Relator® Responsibility® Gallup, Clifton Strengths® and the 34 theme names of Clifton Strengths® are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.  All rights reserved.  To discover your Top 5 CliftonStrengths, please visit the

21 Chapter 5 Key Takeaways CliftonStrengths® Themes can be applied in Project Management PM Theme Map references Connect each Theme to Project Management Important role of Project Manager and Team Members to: Maximize talent potential Apply Themes to PM roles Pay attention to Theme Dynamics Theme Dynamics: Themes do not operate in silos Dominant Themes influence each other Essential component for teams to maximize collective talent

22 Chapter 6 Cultivating a Strengths-Based Project Team
Purpose of Chapter 6 Learn how to: Facilitate team members’ personal strengths development Dive into the team’s collective talent themes and strengths Understanding Appreciating Articulating Apply the collective strengths of the project team Further develop the project team’s collective strengths

23 Chapter 6 6 5 4 Foundation Blocks for TEAM Talent Development
BLOCK 6 – PROJECT TEAM: INTENTIONALLY APPLY TALENTS – Orchestrate STRENGTHS – Developing and applying BLOCK 5 – PROJECT TEAM: ARTICULATE TALENTS – Articulate the team’s collective talents, themes, and domains STRENGTHS – Articulate the team’s collective strengths . BLOCK 4 – PROJECT TEAM: UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE TALENTS – Understand and appreciate one another’s talent lenses (ways of thinking, feeling, behaving) STRENGTHS – Understand, appreciate, and affirm one another’s strengths Chapter 6 4 6

24 Chapter 6 Exhibit 6.2 A project team’s combined PM tool kit

25 Chapter 6 Key Takeaways Apply individual strengths-based development steps to team development Strengths-Based Project Teams: Engage in project team strengths development Add to and use their PM Tool Kits Weave strengths conversations into their meetings Apply their collective strengths toward the project Recognize and acknowledge talents/strengths in motion

26 Chapter 7 Sustaining a Strengths-Based Culture
Purpose of Chapter 7 Explore various PM roles that impact the sustainability of a Strengths-Based Project Team culture: Project sponsor Functional managers Project manager All project team members

27 Roles for Sustaining a Strengths-Based Project Team Culture

28 Chapter 7 Key Takeaways PM roles required for strengths-based sustainability: Project Sponsor supports and celebrates project team accomplishments Functional managers provide long-term consistent mentorship and development for team members Project manager guides the project team members to function as a strengths-based team Project team members take ownership of their strengths development and contribution to the team

29 Chapter 8 Action Plan: Make an Investment
Purpose of Chapter 8 Equip project managers and team members to: Prepare to take strengths-based action Break down Strengths-Based Project Team development into manageable pieces Develop a focused action plan

30 Focused Action Plan Suggestions
Chapter 8 Focused Action Plan Suggestions Chapter 1 Strengths List Chapter 2 Shared Expectations Chapter 4 CliftonStrengths® Assessment & Reports Tabletop Name Card Strengths Building Blocks Talent Theme a Day Mirror Activity Strengths Partnership My Talent and Strengths Grid Chapters 4 & 6 Talents and Strengths in Motion Chapter 5 PM Connection Map Chapter 6 Project Team Talent Theme Wall Project Team Collective Strengths Chapter 6 & 7 Functional Manager Meeting Chapter 8 Professional Development Plan

31 Organizational Knowledge Strengths Development
Chapter 8 Exhibit 8.1 Professional development plan template Category Organizational Knowledge Functional Skills Project Management Strengths Development Short-term goals (1 to 6 months) Mid-term goals (6 months to 1 year) Long-term goals (Greater than 1 year)

32 Chapter 8 Key Takeaways Strengths-Based Project Team Development:
Ongoing and continuous developmental cycle Requires investment of time and energy: Practice, experiment, and adjust Engage in ongoing strengths-based conversations Continue to develop as a project manager (individual) and project team Build on current strengths and develop new strengths Work together to leverage strengths Celebrate successes Requires strengths sustainability tools, such as a Professional Development Plan

33 Appendix Appendix A: Resources Appendix B: Templates and Examples
Appendix C: Connecting Strengths to Project Management Appendix D: Conversational Prompts for Project Teams

34 The Authors CONTACT US Martha Buelt
Website: Connie Plowman

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