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Presentation on theme: "REPORT OF THE AGENDA ACTIVISTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 SEMINAR OBJECTIVES Share experience with respect to Design, Mandate and Functions of PBOs. Enhance knowledge around different types of analysis performed by PBOs. Undertake network business and decision Making.

3 OUTPUTS Key Insights on the Agenda – Strengths, Weaknesses & Recommendations for next Year. Proposed Topics for future Meetings & Activities for pursuing them.

4 KEY INSIGHTS - Strengths & weaknesses
Community Building Discussion on how to incentivize sharing of experiences, challenges, practices and information through GN-PBO did not cover the aspects of content & quality assurance management – these need to be agreed upon. Panel Discussions did not accord opportunity to the Audience to Participate, Seek clarification/probe & thus, important views could have been missed.

5 INSIGHTS - Strengths & weaknesses…….
Working Groups need more time to have comprehensive outputs. The time provided in not adequate. Possibility of having in-housing consultations (among individual PBOs) need to be exploited. Building on respective PBO framework for a high-breed version could be exploited. PBOs still face data accessibility challenges globally. Ways through which PBOs can be supported to build comprehensive data management Systems (IFMIS) & linkage with Government Data Sources need to be exploited – WB.

6 INSIGHTS - Strengths & weaknesses…….
Themes/Topics selected for the Seminar were relevant and desirable – However the Practical application (hands-on) element was not evident. Require Case Studies running through the step by step procedures, methodology, tools and real scenarios – even if it necessitates fewer topics. Many topics dwelled more on overview other than the actual practice through hands-on exercises (Forecasting, Elastisties, Gender & Equity Budget Responsive Budget Analysis etc.)

7 INSIGHTS - Strengths & weaknesses…….
Most PBOs still lack the requisite Tools/models for generating alternative budget projections/forecasts and evaluating Policy Scenarios to support them in advising legislatures – a possibility supporting the development of such tools – to be customized need to be exploited. Gender & Equity Responsive Budget Analysis is a new but import aspect that PBOs need to undertake. Priority should be given to Case Studies in this Area – to cover practical hands-on experiences going forward.

8 INSIGHTS - Strengths & weaknesses…….
Value Creations stories are still limited. To enhance benefits from the community, there is need to mainstream PBO leadership in the activities of GN- PBO. Efforts to involve Institutions (PBO management) should be encouraged going forward. A possibility of GN-PBO secretariat is once way of entrenching this Network. Timely communication of the Agenda is critical to the success of GN-PBO’s Assemblies. Themes should be agreed upon on time – this can be used to determine the best resource mix for enhanced outcomes.

9 RECOMMENDATIONS There is need to support PBOs in developing comprehensive Data Management Systems for data adequacy. In addition, measures to assist PBOs link with Government Data Sources need to be exploited. Case Studies with practical tools/outputs need to be included in future Seminar in addition to overviews on selected topics. Management of Content on GN-PBO web portal (standards & quality control) need to be agreed upon going forward. There is need to support the development of working Models and tools for PBOs – these can be customized for individual countries/Jurisdictions.

10 RECOMMENDATIONS….. Themes/Topics for upcoming GN-PBO seminars need to be communication timely to enable adequate preparation (Agenda). Working Groups should as much as possible build on Country Specific Frameworks (position) – for enhanced outputs as well as cultivating sense of ownership. Knowledge exchange through attachments should continue as a quick avenue for capacity building as well as strengthening the community network.

11 PROPOSED TOPICS Practical Sessions on Revenue & expenditure forecasting. Gender & Equity Responsive Budget Analysis Loan Appraisal & performance analysis. Monitoring & Evaluation of Government Projects. Report Writing & Dissemination.

12 ACTIVITIES Webinars Working Groups
Knowledge Exchanges: Attachments & Content sharing (GN-PBO web portal) Agenda Preparation & Dissemination



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