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Effects of an AMPA receptor antagonist on numbers of pCofilin-positive spines. Effects of an AMPA receptor antagonist on numbers of pCofilin-positive spines.

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1 Effects of an AMPA receptor antagonist on numbers of pCofilin-positive spines.
Effects of an AMPA receptor antagonist on numbers of pCofilin-positive spines. Control and experimental slices were infused with normal aCSF or the AMPA receptor antagonist DNQX, respectively, for 55 min while baseline stimulation was delivered to the Schaffer-commissural fibers. a , Representative traces of fEPSPs collected 10 min before (−10 min) and 40 min after initiation of control or DNQX infusion. Calibration: 0.5 mV, 10 ms. b , Plot of fEPSP slopes for control slices (open circles) and experimental slices treated with DNQX (filled circles) during the interval indicated by the black bar. As shown in a and b , DNQX infusion eliminated Schaffer-commissural fEPSPs. c , Micrographs show pCofilin immunostaining in CA1 str. radiatum of a representative control slice (top) and a DNQX-treated slice harvested ∼30 min after the loss of field potentials (bottom). DNQX treatment markedly reduced the number of densely pCofilin-IR structures, although the remaining immunostaining was not qualitatively different from that found in control slices. Scale bar, 5 μm. Lulu Y. Chen et al. J. Neurosci. 2007;27: ©2007 by Society for Neuroscience

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