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On Your Mark, Get Set… Acts 1: 1-11.

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Presentation on theme: "On Your Mark, Get Set… Acts 1: 1-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Your Mark, Get Set… Acts 1: 1-11

2 On Your Mark, Get Set… Change (like or hate) Itinerate Teacher
Acts 1: 1-11 Change (like or hate) Itinerate Teacher Son of God/Messiah Crucified and Dead Resurrected and Alive Ascended and Gone

3 On Your Mark, Get Set… Acts 1: 1-11 Though we’re always facing change (good/bad), God is always equipped to make it work for good. Therefore, we need to see through the obvious challenges and discover the less obvious provision of God.

4 On Your Mark, Get Set… Obvious Challenges
Acts 1: 1-11 Obvious Challenges 40 Days Resurrected/Proofs (Ac.1:3, 6) Go As My Witnesses (Ac.1:7-8) But First … Wait (Ac.1:5) Abandon Personal Expectation (Ac.1:6) Listen/Follow Instructions (Ac.1:4)

5 On Your Mark, Get Set… Less Obvious Provisions
Acts 1: 1-11 Less Obvious Provisions Jesus Gone & Holy Spirit Sent (Jn.16:7) Father’s Right Hand (Mt.22:44; Ep.1:20) All Authority (Ep.1:21; Phil.2:9-11) Full Glory (Ac.1:9; 9:3; Re.1:13-16) Sees All (He.4:13) Interceding (Ro.8:34; 1 Tim.2:5) Promised Return (Acts 1:10-11)

6 On Your Mark, Get Set… Acts 1: 1-11 Did Jesus leave you with overwhelming challenge? Jesus ascended but didn’t leave. He left His promise and provision. He remains our true Hope!

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