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Research Paper Checklist

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1 Research Paper Checklist
What to confirm before you turn in your essay on the 26th

2 Introduction Establish the problem or question that your seed text inspired you to explore. Provide the three most essential of your six sources to establish how parts of your Research Question will be addressed in the paper. End your Introduction with a thesis that provides what you believe is an answer (not the answer) to your research question.

3 Body Paragraphs Topic Sentences should address a specific part of your thesis not your whole thesis. All evidence should have a specific part of it analyzed not paraphrased. Two ways to cite evidence: A perfect example of how growth mindset can offset societal problems like poverty is Rafe Esquith who “teaches Los Angeles middle schoolers from poor areas plagued with crime. Many live with people who have drug, alcohol, and emotional problems” (Dweck 195). Building on this, Pawlina and Stanford write, “Anytime a child faces a conflict or a challenge, we start by framing it as an opportunity for growing our brains— ”This looks like a challenge, a chance to grow our brains!” We use a lot of expression and excitement in our voices to convey a positive attitude, and we approach the situation as if we (children and adults) are lucky to have another opportunity to practice problem-solving skills” (34).

4 Conclusion Two-thirds of your conclusion should illustrate the potential implications or impact of all of your research onto the world

5 Works Cited Page Go or

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