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Effective Communication Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Communication Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Communication Skills

2 The Communication Process
Who says what? In what case? To whom? With what effect? TTM 2

3 Important Points to Remember
Two‑way communications is made when feedback happens The sender knows what the receiver's response is to his message, when he gets feedback If the receiver's response is what the sender expected it to be, then the communication is successful TTM 2

4 Important Points to Remember
You can only have communication when sender and receiver are connected by a channel through which a medium carries a coded message   TTM 2

5 Important Points to Remember
Messages must be coded and decoded Trainers filter information to receivers Noise acts as a barrier to communication TTM 2

6 Communication During Sessions
Sometimes verbal communications are understood differently by the receiver of the message because Same words have different meanings Different words have same meanings TTM 2

7 Communication During Sessions
Sometimes verbal communications are understood differently by the receiver of the message because: Use of acronyms and abbreviations Wrong words used TTM 2

8 Communication During Sessions
Sometimes verbal communications are understood differently by the receiver of the message because: Language barriers Disorganized ideas TTM 2

9 To improve communication skills
Paraphrasing by restating what the person said to you. Example: You said a while ago that two‑way communication is more effective. Now how do we ensure…? TTM 2

10 To improve communication skills
Behavior description: by reporting the specific observable action without accusing or judging their motives. Describe what s/he perceives – and check if his/her understanding is correct. TTM 2

11 Why Questions? To obtain feedback To arouse and maintain interest
To obtain attention To provoke new/old thinking To open a discussion  To limit or end the discussion To direct participants attention TTM 2

12 Why Questions? To discover weaknesses To correct mistake
To check knowledge and understanding TTM 2

13 Types of Questions 1. Open questions 3. Probes 2. Closed questions
4. Mirror TTM 2

14 Ways to Minimize Communications Breakdown
Give feedback Develop emphatic speaking habits Avoid credibility gaps Choose the right time to communicate Avoid wordiness. Remember K.I.S.S! TTM 2

15 K.I.S.S K - eep I - t S - imple S - weetheart TTM 2

16 Thanks for your time TTM 2

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