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Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals Jose Mendoza Multicultural Affairs Fall 2013.

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1 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals Jose Mendoza Multicultural Affairs Fall 2013

2 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals I.Why Student Success? -Our competitive Society necessitates student success at higher levels. -Many first generation students do not have a set strategy or plan to succeed -Public education still not preparing college-ready students…… -Emerging college populations need to set a plan of action to assure their success With college costs increasing yearly, you want to be in position to compete for college scholarships and win yourself money to cover your costs or even all your college costs with full ride scholarships. University Transfer will require that you meet the transfer requirements, including a set GPA, as transfer to upper division programs is not automatic and you do want to get in and be accepted into the upper division. Some colleges are more competitive and even can even be considered exclusive and highly competitive on a national basis and you do want to be selected.

3 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals II.What do you do to set up your Plan for success? -Find your course outlines for your classes so you can begin to focus on what you are going to learn. /search_course.php -Organize your learning and begin to focus on the competencies and components of what you are going to learn.

4 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals III.Identify the Resources that your can connect to your components to for each class to stimulate and focus your learning. THE BIOLOGY PROJECT (also includes chemistry) The KHAN Academy (set up your own account) has many subjects: Originator has 3 MIT degrees….

5 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals IV.MIT, Harvard and Many prestigious universities have web sites that can help you focus and synchronize you learning… You will have access to class notes, course syllabus, videos, materials, etc. at no cost. Again, you connect to your course outlines to focus on the individual components and concentrate your learning….

6 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals V.Time Management for student success -Assess the amount of time that it will take for each class for you to have success and excel and exceed the course requirements. Usually the rule of thumb is that you spend two to three hours out of class for each hour that you are in class to master the subject matter and complete all assignments correctly thoroughly and on time. Map out you time management schedule carefully… WORK and Family Think about your family and work responsibilities and How that does impact the amount of time that you can allocate to your studies. Some adjustments may have to be done as you dont want to run out of time, energy and the ability to concentrate. Educational attainment: You never want to settle for average performance in your classes, quizzes, exams, or assignments. Allot enough time to be highly prepared for your exams. Many classes set up study groups and you need to find time to attend and participate in those study groups.

7 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals VI.Instructional Resources -If you use the instructional resources as you need them, you will greatly enhance your ability to be successful. CENTER for Learning: The Math solution: Computer solutions:

8 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals VII. More Instructional resources PHYSICS: b/phys_assist.html

9 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals VIII. Why Degrees There was a time 40 years ago or more that a high school diploma was enough to start a career and family. Today, If you want to provide for a family and have a career with all the health benefits, retirement programs, personal time, vacation time, and many other benefits. You need to be focused on degrees. The newspaper, and many other media programs will have documentaries and articles stating that many can have exciting and high earning careers without a college degree. I disagree with that and I have over 36 years in higher education that have gotten me to that conclusion. There is nothing in the workplace that is quick and fast and has high earning potential. Do not fall into the trap to take on short term programs for your career.

10 Strategies for Student Success Higher Education Goals IX.Summary, comments, conclusions Benefits of a a college degree:

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