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Guidelines for the Religious Life of the School

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1 Guidelines for the Religious Life of the School
Launch: 5th September, 2008 WORKSHOP: Social Justice and Action Presenters: Cathie Stone & Caroline McClure Campus Ministry Team, Marist College Ashgrove

2 Social Action and Justice
What does the LORD require of you? To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)


4 I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness.
Marists Are Taking Everyone Seriously I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness. John 10:10

5 MATES is the umbrella organisation of all justice and service programs at Marist College Ashgrove.

6 MATES is about relationship … inviting people to reach out in solidarity with the most vulnerable members of the local and global community.

7 It is more than fundraising.
It’s about meeting and being with a cross section of people who make up our society.

8 It is an invitation to learn about others and build relationships that eventually will lead to growth for all parties.

9 MATES helps to animate the lessons learned in the classroom and acts as a platform for engaging in justice and service beyond the college.

10 Although we are engaging in service activities for others, we are ultimately enriching our own lives.

11 MATES is a whole school approach to educating our young men to stand up for justice.

12 MATES Awards All activities are voluntary. There is an award system in place to acknowledge to contributions made by individuals. Students receive a badge and certificate when they reach 20, 40 or 60 hours of service – Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards

13 Paddington Day Respite Centre, Nintendo Wii Sports Games
Agency Visitations Paddington Day Respite Centre, Nintendo Wii Sports Games

14 Year 7 Outreach Ablecare

15 Regis Aged Care, The Gap

16 Little Kings Movement

17 BBQ with the Homeless People

18 Sony Camp with Disabled Children

19 Rosies - Street Retreat Program

20 The Shade House Project
Junior School Projects The Shade House Project Green Ash Creek Care &

21 St Vincent de Paul Conferences
Junior School Mini Vinnies Group Senior School Conference

22 Caritas Group - Ashgrove Action

23 The Oaktree Foundation

24 Staff and parents model and lead…
Sony Camp is supported by teaching, nursing, kitchen and support staff, as well as parents… Volunteer Parents and Staff at the BBQ with the Homeless people …and even our local MP, Kate Jones Job Pledge Program ..and sharing skills on immersions

25 MATES Immersion Program
St Dominic’s, Solomon Islands Lololima, Vanuatu LaValla School, Cambodia

26 FOBIC Riverwalk

27 Annual doorknocks and appeals
Little Kings Movement …and others…

28 In summary… MATES focuses on:
Spiritual Formation – reflecting on the Christian story and who we are called to be and become. Solidarity – standing with the marginalised, because our liberation is bound up with theirs Social Action – educating and working for justice to bring about change Charity – raising money and giving to the poor

29 Illustrations by Rob O’Brien, 2003
MATES attempts to give students the opportunity to live out the gospel message of Matthew 25 Illustrations by Rob O’Brien, 2003


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