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IAEA Activities in LTO area International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL) Programme
Robert Krivanek – Project manager for LTO Division of Nuclear Installation Safety
Personal introduction
Name: Robert Krivanek Position in IAEA – Senior Safety Officer Operational Safety Section Division Nuclear Installation Safety Current Main Activities in IAEA – Project manager for LTO Development of IAEA guidance on ageing management and LTO SALTO Peer Review Service IGALL Programme (International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned) Since February 2012 with IAEA
Contents Background IGALL Phase 1, 2 and 3 deliverables
IGALL web site and IGALL AMR table IGALL Phase 4 ( ) objectives and planning
Objectives of IGALL Programme
Establishment of a state-of-the-art IGALL report, as a guidance on recommended AMPs and TLAAs Basis for implementation of recommended AMPs and TLAAs for NPPs with diverse technologies: PWR, BWR, WWER, CANDU, PHWR The IGALL report would be updated periodically at least each 5 years Fundamental document supporting a systematic approach to managing of ageing as described in Safety Guide SSG-48 5
IGALL Extrabudgetary Contribution
Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Japan, Sweden and USA financially contributed to the IGALL Programme in Phase 1, 2 and 3 (2010 – 2017) Belgium, Canada, Finland, Hungary, Pakistan, Slovakia and USA financially contributed to the IGALL Phase 4 ( ) Positive response also received from Japan, the Netherlands, France? Other Member States are encouraged to contribute! (Spain, Korea, China, Sweden, Switzerland, UK)
IGALL Approach IGALL Degradation mechanisms + ageing effects OPERATORS
Catalogue of generic AMPs and TLAAs Collection of „proven“ AMPs* 9 attributes of AMPs Collection of typical TLAAs* i, ii, iii solutions of TLAAs AMR tables - Identification of relevant AMPs and TLAAs for safety SSCs OPERATORS REGULATORS DESIGNERS NEWCOMERS capacity building PWR BWR CANDU * AMPs – Ageing Management Programmes TLAAs – Time Limited Ageing Analysis 7
IAEA Safety Standards relevant to ageing management and LTO
SSG-48 Ageing Management and LTO (2018) SSG-25 Safety Guide on PSR (2013) SS No 26 SALTO Guidelines (2014) New SRS Data, scope setting, plant programmes (2020?) SRS No 82 IGALL Report (2015) 8
IGALL Phase 1 (2010-2013) deliverables
IGALL Final Report was published as an IAEA SAFETY REPORT Published in April 2015 IGALL database on IAEA web site contains: 84 Ageing Management Programmes (AMPs) 28 Time Limited Ageing Analysis (TLAAs) Technological obsolescence programme More than 2000 consolidated line items in AMR tables (totally more 7000 line items collected from MS) 9
Approaches to Ageing Management
“Approaches to Ageing Management in Member States: International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL) Final Report” TECDOC supplements IGALL Safety Report and explains Member States approaches in connection with IGALL Safety Report Published in April 2014 18 of participating Member States provided information on: National regulatory requirements for AM and LTO; Management of physical ageing; Management of obsolescence; Scoping and screening of SSCs for AM and LTO; Ageing management review for LTO; Review of ageing management programmes for LTO; Revalidation of TLAAs for LTO. 10
IGALL Phase 2 (2014-2015) Results
New AMPs: AMP148 CANDU/PHWR Shutdown Systems AMP149 CANDU/PHWR Heavy Water Management AMP150 CANDU/PHWR Annulus Gas System AMP151 CANDU/PHWR Failed Fuel Detection System AMP152 WWER RPV Surveillance AMP153 WWER Main Gate Valve AMP154 WWER Pressurizer AMP217 Sensors and transmitters New TLAA 123: CANDU/PHWR Reactor Internals Vibrations New programme - TOP401 Technological Obsolescence Programme Updated original AMPs Updated original TLAAs Updated AMR tables
IGALL Phase 3 (2016-2017) Results
New AMPs: AMP155 PWR Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchangers AMP156 WWER Reactor Coolant Piping AMP157 Internal coatings and linings AMP160 Neutron Fluence Monitoring AMP161 High-cycle Fatigue Monitoring AMP218 Electronic Equipment AMP219 Fuses AMP220 Lightning protection and grounding grid New TLAAs: none Original AMPs: Reference documents updated Operating experience enhanced and updated Some AMPs combined Original TLAAs: Reference documents amended Some TLAAs combined AMR tables significantly improved and simplified New version of SRS No.82 prepared for publication process
IGALL web site 1. IGALL public web site
Link : Ageing Management Programmes Time Limited Ageing Analysis IGALL AMR public table IGALL Safety Report and IGALL TECDOC Calendar of IGALL meetings 2. IGALL restricted web site Only for IGALL active participants IGALL AMR master table (including MS contributions) Presentations and other files from meetings Documents in development
IGALL Safety Report Updating
Revised during each odd phase (Phase 1, Phase 3, Phase 5) Published afterwards (April 2015, 2019,…) List of AMPs List of TLAAs Definitions Other changes, if necessary IGALL Database – Updated biannually after each phase (12/2013, 12/2015, 12/2017,…) New and updated AMPs and TLAAs to be supplemented Updated AMR table and definitions to be supplemented 14
IGALL Participation as of 2018
Argentina Armenia Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Finland France Germany Hungary India Iran Japan Korea Mexico *no participation in WGs Netherlands Pakistan Romania Russian Federation* Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom United States of America EU JRC, OECD/NEA, EPRI
IGALL Phase 4 (2018-2019) Objectives
Objectives in Phase 4: Enhancement of AMPs and TLAAs Enhancement of AMR SRS 82 improvement Specific tasks Tasks for IAEA secretariat
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
Steering Committee 1 representative per MS WG leaders IGALL Safety Report Edition 2018 IAEA QA Procedure WG1 - Mech. Components 46 members WG2 – EI&C components 32 members WG3 - Civil structures 38 members WG4 – Guide for regulators 23 members WG5 – Extend Shutdowns … 14 members
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
Steering Committee: 1 representative of each MS and each international organization, WG chairpersons 30 MS + OECD/NEA, EU JRC, EPRI SC meetings: December 2018 in Vienna (M5) 9-10 December 2019 in Vienna (BR-C) (TM on December 2019 in Vienna (BR-C)) SC chairman – Mr. A. Hiser, NRC, USA IAEA Technical officer – Mr. R. Krivanek
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
WG1 - mechanical components WG meetings: 26-29 June 2018, Washington, D.C., USA (hosted by NRC) 9-12 October 2018, the Netherlands, Amsterdam (hosted by EU JRC) 2-5 April 2019, Paris, France (hosted by ASN) WG chairman – Mr. J. Heldt, Leibstadt NPP, Switzerland IAEA Technical officer – Mr. R. Krivanek Tasks 1, 2 and 3 4 subgroups: General (WG1G) – Mr. M. De Smet, Tractebel, Belgium PWR/VVER (WG1P) – Mr. S. Ratkai, Paks NPP, Hungary BWR (WG1B) – Ms. S. Bernhoft, EPRI, USA CANDU/PHWR (WG1C) – Mr. K. Kirkhope, CNSC, Canada
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
WG2 - electrical and I&C components WG meetings: 4-7 June 2018, Vienna (VIC M6+MOE16+MOE18+MOE19) 1-4 October 2018, Angra NPP, Brazil (hosted by Angra NPP) 9-12 April 2019, Cologne, Germany (hosted by GRS) WG chairman – Mr. M. Calatayud, Cofrentes NPP, Spain IAEA Technical officer – Mr. G. Petofi Tasks 1, 2 and 3 3 subgroups: EQ (WG2Q) – Mr. T. Minakawa, NRA, Japan Cables (WG2C) – Ms. T. Navedo, NRC, USA EI&C components (WG2E) – Mr. B. Willey, EDF, France
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
WG3 – civil structures WG meetings: 11-14 June 2018, Vienna (VIC M6+MOE18+MOE19) 6-9 November 2018, Daejeon, Korea (hosted by KHNP CRI) 7-9 May 2019, Cambrils, Spain (hosted by Asco-Vandellos NPPs) WG chairman – Mr. E. Gallitre, EDF, France IAEA Technical officer – Mr. K. Makela Tasks 1, 2 and 3 3 subgroups: Concrete containment (WG3C) – Mr. M.Sadiq, Pakistan Steel components (WG3S) – Ms. A.Buford, NRC, USA Other concrete structures (WG3O) – Mr. J. Sabater, Asco-Vandellos NPPs, Spain
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
WG4 WG meetings: 24-27 July 2018, Vienna (VIC MOE13) 26 February–1 March 2019, Budapest, Hungary (hosted by HAEA) 4-7 June 2019, Yerevan, Armenia (hosted by ANRA/ANPP) WG chairman – Mr. Steven Bloom, NRC, USA IAEA Technical officer – Mr. G. Petofi Tasks Guidance for regulators 4 subgroups: Ms. S.Dugan, ENSI, Switzerland Mr. K.Mansoor, PNRA, Pakistan Ms. N.Persson, SSM, Sweden Ms. H.Dlouha, SUJB, Czech Republic
IGALL Phase 4 Organization
WG5 WG meetings: 24-27 July 2018, Vienna (VIC MOE15) 5-8 February 2019, Toronto, Canada (hosted by COG) 6-9 August 2019, Bern, Switzerland (hosted by ENSI) WG chairperson – Mr. Aleem Arshad Niazi, PAEC, Pakistan IAEA Technical officer – Mr. G. Petofi Tasks Delayed construction periods, prolonged outages, extended shutdown and post final shutdown 3 subgroups: Delayed constructions - Mr. R. Abreu, Electronuclear, Brazil Extended outages - Mr. S. Jhamtani, NPCIL, India Post final shutdown - Mr. A. Zander, Framatome, Germany
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 1 - Enhancement of AMPs and TLAAs (WG1-3): Collect new AMPs and TLAAs and update existing AMPs and TLAAs In progress – new AMPs159, 314, 315 in development Use US NPPs plant-specific AMPs, plant-specific TLAAs and plant-specific AMR line items for IGALL enhancement (US industry participation necessary) Task completed Evaluate impact of final GALL SLR on IGALL AMPs Check possibility of consolidation of existing AMPs and TLAAs WG1 – AMPs and TLAAs from AGR No inputs, because no UK member attends WG1 WG2 – AMP for optical cables In progress – new AMP222 in development WG2 – Consider AM of spare parts storage Rejected (TECDOC or other type of programme instead)
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 1 - Enhancement of AMPs and TLAAs (WG1-3): WG3 - Consideration of spent fuel pool ageing management (liner and structure) In progress – new AMP315 in development WG3 - Consider fatigue analysis of steel containment (US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.57) Task completed WG3 – Check consistency of AE/DM in AMR and AMPs and TLAAs WG3 - Address in AMR/ AMP / TLAA the irradiation effects on properties of concrete (use e.g. GALL SLR)
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 2 - Enhancement of AMR (WG1-3): Column ‘further action’ – consolidate information in ‘further action’ column (other than TLAAs) and develop description of ‘further action’ intention, use descriptions of the further evaluations which are identified in the “further evaluation” column of the NRC GALL AMR table defined e.g. in SRP, part for improvement of IGALL Task completed Systematic review and consolidation of definitions for ‘structure/component’, ‘critical location/part’, ‘material’, and ‘environment’ In progress Develop a pilot on use of EPRI MDM format to enhance AMR table WG1 - Column ‘System’ – change title to ‘System/ functional group’ and agree and consolidate terminology WG1 - PWR RVI part consolidate and enhance WG1 – consolidate items in tables 107 and 108 WG2 – check consistency of AE/DM for similar EQ and non-EQ equipment
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 3 - SRS 82 improvement (WG1-3): Create Integrated AMP (requirements, scope, content, monitoring of effectiveness, etc.) In progress Develop a statement/ description how to handle maintenance measures and processes in the interaction with AMPs
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 4 - Specific tasks (WG4 and WG5): Guidance for regulators to review NPPs` preparedness for safe LTO (WG dealing with Regulatory Aspects of LTO preparation). In progress Develop TECDOC experiences in ageing management during delayed construction periods, prolonged outages, extended shutdown and post final shutdown
IGALL Phase 4 Objectives
Objective 5 - Tasks for IAEA secretariat: Develop and implement workshop/ training for “junior” experts on IGALL use In progress - IGALL-related workshops provided to NPPs and regulators in Argentina, Armenia, China, Iran, Pakistan, UK in 2018; Brazil, Bulgaria, Iran, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine scheduled in 2019. Improve IGALL public and restricted website Task completed – simple modifications performed, more complex rejected by IAEA IT Invite observers e.g., from new built companies, on a regular basis In progress - Several IGALL WGs hosted by IGALL participating organization – observers from hosting organization always invited AMR – hyperlink terms to definitions, AMPs and TLAAs on IGALL public website In progress – presentation of Brazil to be provided
IGALL Programme Conclusions
IGALL Safety Report and IGALL database is available on IAEA web site IGALL Phase 3 ( ) completed IGALL Phase 4 ( ) in progress The IAEA is ready to provide support to NPPs and regulators in IGALL implementation
Thank you! Thank you!
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