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Effective Meetings Module 3 Objectives:

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1 Effective Meetings Module 3 Objectives:
Describe an effective meeting agenda Make a motion in a meeting confidently Understand the basics of parliamentary procedure Model confidence needed to serve in a leadership role Facilitator: A well-run organization gets things done, enjoys being together, plans things carefully, and has officers and leaders who accept their responsibilities. For groups to work together effectively, leaders must: -- Know about the talents and skills of each member -- Use group discussions so that all members feel they’ve had a part in decisions that are made

2 Your Duties and Responsibilities
Know the mission and purpose of the organization Approve and monitor programs and services of the organization Ensure the proper management of money Fundraise Organize (elect officers and work on committees) Enhance the organization’s public image Help deal with disputes Facilitator: This list gives an overview of your responsibilities when serving on a board, council or committee. We all have responsibilities as a member of the group.

3 Effective Meetings: They’re No Accident.
Good meetings are carefully thought-out, and well-executed events that will affect the way a group completes its business Group discussion: What went well? What are some problems you face in meetings/class discussions? Facilitator: Certain tasks must be carried out before, during and after the meeting. Members/participants want to know their time will result in constructive actions.

4 Effective Meetings: Preparation is Key
Can we stick a grill skewer through the middle of this balloon? The answer is yes! Supplies Needed: Balloon and wooded grill skewer for each student, plus a few extra balloons Bottle with dish soap and water in it Take one pre-inflated balloon and pop it using a regular wooden grill skewer. Popping the first balloon is intended to simulate a meeting conducted without preparation.

5 Effective Meetings: Preparation is Key
With the proper preparation, this is possible. Follow these steps: One: Inflate your balloon. Two: Place skewer in mixture of dish soap and water. Three: Place the skewer through the balloon from top to bottom Facilitator: Take your students through the steps in the process. Most will be successful.

6 The Top 10 Meeting Mistakes
Off subject, rambling or repetitious No results or follow-up No purpose, goals or agenda Too long Chairperson’s lack of control Late starts, tardiness Poor preparation by leaders and participants Too much information; unfocused Certain people talk too much Interruptions Facilitator: Ask the students to describe the worst meeting they’ve ever attended. What was happening? Were some of the items on this slide an issue?

7 What are the Ground Rules?
Everyone participates Stay focused Maintain momentum Reach closure on all topics Follow the agenda Speak for yourself Maintain confidentiality Start and stop meetings on time Allow everyone to speak Always remain respectful Facilitator: When meetings are held, considering ground rules is a good idea. These ground rules are in place for each group every time they meet and help keep everyone on task. Ground rules are important no matter how long your group has been meeting together.

8 Effective Meetings: Agenda
A meeting agenda is a written order of business to conduct a meeting. It is a list of things to be completed. The agenda is valuable tool to help a group focus on the business at hand and achieve its goals more quickly. Facilitator: Ask the group how many times an agenda is used at meetings in which they are involved. The agenda can be a handout, written on the board or shown on a computer, but officers should have some sort of written agenda to follow.

9 Brainstorm Obtain feedback Report Plan Make decisions Solve problems
How Can Agendas Help? Brainstorm Obtain feedback Report Plan Make decisions Solve problems

10 Agenda Items Robert’s Rules of Order
Call to order Opening exercise (optional) Secretary minutes – read and approval Correspondence Treasurer’s report – read and approval Reports of officers Committee reports Unfinished business New business Announcements Adjourn Facilitator: This is the normal order of a business meeting. Each item has a specific purpose, and this is the process each meeting should go through. The opening exercise, which is optional, might be a pledge, a prayer, a song or something the organization does regularly. Walk through the order of an agenda with the group before the sorting activity. Effective Meetings Sorting Activity: Supplies needed: 11 cards with a business meeting agenda item on each (Call to order; Opening exercise; Minutes – read and approval; Correspondence; Treasurer’s report – read and approval; Officers reports; Committee reports; Unfinished business; New business; Announcements; Adjourn) Eleven volunteers are needed for this activity. Shuffle the cards and distribute one to each volunteer. Ask the volunteers to put the business meeting agenda together from start to finish without talking. After the group believes it has the correct order, go through it and explain if any items are out of order. Discussion Questions: How did the group decide the order of business? Was determining the order of business difficult? How does an agenda help the group conduct business? Source: Kirk Astroth, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H

11 Effective Meetings: Minutes
Referred to as “meeting notes,” minutes are taken by the organization’s secretary and serve as a point of reference for members of the organization. Minutes need to be neat and easy to read. Record the correct or exact wording of all motions and the action taken on them. Record only facts. Do not include opinions. Facilitator: Ask the student how they feel minutes help an organization. Keeps things organized Historical reference Briefing absent members Complying with laws or policies Report Solve problems

12 What Should Minutes Include?
Call to order time Roll call All motions Summary of discussion Officers’ reports Time of adjournment

13 Effective Meetings: Environment
Moveable tables and chairs arranged so everyone can see and hear the members of the group Quiet, well-lit area Comfortable temperature Restrooms nearby Web access, computers or tablets, easels, markers, tape, etc. Wall space or digital displays for planning/organizing Refreshments available Facilitator: A well-run meeting follows the agenda but also ensures the participants are comfortable. These are a few items to consider when setting up the meeting.

14 Leadership Lessons Learned
What is one thing you learned from this session? What is one thing you plan to implement or do differently based on what you learned? Facilitator: Finish the session by asking the group to reflect out loud on the two questions listed.

15 References and Reading
Board Leadership Series (2016). Kansas State University Extension Service. Improving Board and Organizational Effectiveness Resource Notebook (2002) Southern Rural Development Center. Lead Local (2016). NDSU Extension. Leading Effective Meetings. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, Connect AR — Connecting Arkansas and Its Leaders. Robert, H., Honemann, D., Balch, T., Seabold, D., and Gerber, S. (2004). Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised In Brief, 2nd ed. Da Capo Press. Step Up to Leadership: A curriculum for developing community leaders. University of Missouri Extension, M172. Simplified Handbook for Parliamentary Procedure, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, MP350, Youth Lead Local (2016). NDSU Extension.

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