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Longitudinal spin asym. and DG at COMPASS
JM Le GOFF, DAPNIA/Saclay orbital momentum quarks gluons valance sea HEP 2007, Manchester
The COMPASS experiment
≈ 240 physicists from 25 institutes Polarized muon beam Long. polarized target (& Transv.) Quark polarization g1, DS, Dq, valance and sea Gluon polarization Transversity Production of r, F, J/Ψ, L, ... Hadron beam Primakoff: p, K polarizabilities see A. Guskov presentation Exotics q-states, glue balls Double charmed hadrons project: Drell-Yann for transversity project: LH2 target + proton recoil det. Generalized Parton Distributions
COMPASS at CERN M2 beam line Longitudinally polarized muons 160 GeV/c
2.108 m/ spill (4.8s / 16.8s) PB= -80% Longitudinally (or transversely) polarized deuteron target : 6LiD PT ~ 50% Luminosity: ~ cm-2s-1 LHC COMPASS at CERN M2 beam line SPS
COMPASS Spectrometer Q2>1 50 m NIM A 577(2007) 455
Trigger Hodoscopes Q2>1 ECALs & HCALs MWPCs SM2 RICH 50 m SM1 Drift Chambers m Filters/Walls 6LiD target Straws GEMs Si Micromegas 160 GeV m NIM A 577(2007) 455 SciFi veto
Spin asymmetry extraction
2-cell target every 8 hours upstream downstream weighted method: gain in FoM:
(semi-)inclusive analysis
Inclusive asymmetries, md m'X
Q2>1 PLB647(2007)8 good agreement with previous exp. factor 4 gain in stat at low x compatible with zero at low x Q2<1 see PLB647(2007)330
g1 and contrib. to nucleon spin
G1=∫g1(x)dx has only 2% correction from unmeasured low x (was a 50% negative correction before) G1 DS=0.35±0.03±0.05 and Ds=-0.08±0.01±0.02 (CMPS alone)
QCD analysis DGLAP equations at NLO
Disagreement of new data with previous QCD fits new fit : 2 solutions, DG>0 and DG<0, |DG|≈
Semi-inclusive asym, m d m' h X
separate valance and sea
Difference charge asym.
polarized valance quark distrib
for x>0.3 sea << valance g1d(x) Duv(x)+Ddv(x)
Moments if then Duv+Ddv=a8=0.58±0.03 Duv+Ddv=0.41±0.07±0.05 2 s below
Duv+Ddv G1 and a8 favors asymmetric sea Ds+Ds=-0.08±0.01±0.02 (inclusive)
Gluon polarization
Photon Gluon Fusion 2 signatures : qq=cc : open charm (D0)
- no physical bckg - s small, BR(Kp)= 4% low stat - scale mc2 (no Q2>1 cut) high pT hadron pairs - large stat - phys bckg needs MC - scale pT2 (no Q2>1 cut)
D0 meson reconstruction
Thick target: no decay vertex D0Kp mass reconstruction combinatorial bckg kinematical cuts RICH for particule id D* D0pslow cut on M(Kpp)-M(Kp)
Extraction of DG/G Abckg measured to be zero outside D0 peak
event kin not fully reconstructed parametrize aLL with NN
High pT hadron pairs + aLL : calculable partonic asymmetry
Photon Gluon Fusion Leading Order QCD compton Resolved g Q2 < 1 (GeV/c)2 aLL : calculable partonic asymmetry RPGF : Monte Carlo required for RPGF and Abckg
Contributions to cross-section (Q2<1)
Resolved photons
Data vs MC excellent to good agreement for all variables
Systematic errors Dominant syst error due to MC
vary MC parameters in a range where data vs MC OK largest effect for photon kT nucleon photon kT
Results for DG/G - open charm : DG/G=-0.57±0.41±0.17
- high pT Q2<1 : DG/G=-0.024±0.089±0.057 disfavors large values of DG (2-3 needed to get DS=a8) PLB633(2006)25
Prospects all results presented 2002-04 (no data in 2005)
improved charm analysis with S/(S+B) in the weight 2006 data - new PT magnet larger acceptance - improved RICH : faster electronics PMs in the inner region - 3-cell target kills false asym 2007 data on proton (NH3 target) (not very good for DG since FoM=(fPT)2 reduced) flavor separation in semi-inclusive analysis: Duv and Ddv , Du and Dd
Improved D0 peak in 2006 2006 S/B improved by a factor ≈ 2
Conclusions DS =0.30 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 error due to low x extrapolation strongly reduced Ds+Ds=-0.08 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 Duv+Ddv =0.41 ± 0.07 ± 0.05 seems that Du+Dd ≈0 fit to inclusive data gives 2 solutions |DG|≈ direct measurement DG not very large (anomaly contribution to a0 small) but DG≈0.35 still possible (in which case Lz≈0)
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