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Moon Runner Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Runner Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Runner Vocabulary

2 Gigantic Being like a giant in size, strength, or power
Some of the dinosaurs were gigantic creatures. Gigantic

3 Much smaller than the usual size
We have a miniature train. Miniature

4 Especially In a special way; specifically
These coats are designed especially for tall people. Especially

5 Lapped To wash or splash with a light, slapping sound
The waves lapped at his feet as he stared across the ocean. Lapped

6 Vanished To disappear or become invisible
My smiled vanished when I heard the bad news. Vanished

7 Having a bad feeling toward another person who is a competitor; envious
Were you jealous of the winner? Jealous

8 Haze Fine dust, smoke, or water vapor floating in the air
The haze along the beach did not allow the lifeguard to see who was swimming. Haze

9 Lure To attract by offering something tempting
He can lure the mouse out of the hole with cheese. Lure

10 Deliberately Done or said on purpose; intentional
She told a lie deliberately to fool him. Deliberately

11 Brief and clear It was a crisp picture in which I could see every hair on my dog’s head. Crisp

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