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Presentation on theme: "IPCRF DATA COLLECTION AND CONSOLIDATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose of the Slide: To introduce participants on the session.
Note to Presenter: This is a title slide. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE

3 Orientation Activities on the RPMS
RPMS Rollout for SY Reorientation for SY February 2018; HRDD representatives from regions NTOT Objectives: Reinforce the knowledge and understanding of field personnel Establish pool of trainers on the implementation of the PPST-based RPMS support materials for S.Y Implementation of RPMS Tools for SY in Schools PPST RPMS Tools Classroom Observation Tools (COT) Self-Assessment Tools (SAT) Tryout of e-SAT Portfolio Preparation Writing Annotations Portfolio Assessment Training Design May-Sept 2018; SDS, ASDS, EPS, representatives from divisions RTOT Mindanao Cluster Visayas Cluster Luzon I & II Cluster Understanding RPMS Tools and MOV Classroom Observation Processes Tryout of e-SAT Understanding Resource Package Training Design DTOT May-Oct 2018; School heads The first 12 PPST indicators will also be used for the SY Purpose of the Slide: To present the orientation activities related to RPMS. Notes to Presenter: The first set of the PPST-aligned RPMS assessment tools were implemented in all 17 regions through a series of trainings for teachers and school heads in These tools, covering the first 12 PPST indicators, being rolled out for S.Y and S.Y , are as follows: - RPMS Tools for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers) and Master Teacher I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers) - Classroom Observation Tools (COT) for Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-IV Electronic Self-Assessment Tools (SAT) for Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-IV To reinforce the knowledge and understanding and to further capacitate the implementers and field personnel on the RPMS, a reorientation was conducted in the first quarter of 2019. MTOT May-Oct 2018; Teachers Jan-Feb 2019; Representatives from all SDOs* *Participants to these workshops are expected to conduct their own rollout in their division

4 RPMS Plan for the System Integrate Competency Standards with RPMS
Core Leadership Functional Competencies Agency Planning and Directions HR Planning and Recruitment Talent Management (Succession Planning) Compensation and Benefits Employee Relations Learning and Development Plan for the System Integrate Competency Standards with RPMS Link RPMS to all other HR Systems Purpose of the Slide: To show the link of RPMS with the other HR system. At it’s center is the PM with the different types (core, functional and of competencies). Note to Presenter: Say: What we really want to happen to our RPMS is to link it to other HR systems since RPMS can provide inputs to the Agency planning and Directions (i.e. targets), Recruitment, Succession Planning, Compensation and Benefits (i.e. Rewards, PBB), Employee Relations, and Learning and Development.

5 Use of the results of RPMS ratings
Identifying and providing the kinds of interventions needed, based on the development needs identified;  identifying potential PRAISE Awards nominees for various awards categories, e.g. Lingkod Bayan Awards, Metrobank Awards consolidating and coordinating developmental interventions which shall form part of HR Plan and basis for rewards and incentives determining top performers of the agency who qualify for awards and incentives.  Raters BHROD & NEAP PRAISE COMMITEE Performance Management Team Purpose of the Slide: To show the link of RPMS with the other HR system. At it’s center is the PM with the different types (core, functional and of competencies). Note to Presenter: In accordance with DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, the consolidated data will provide inputs to programs being developed on teachers’ learning and development, and rewards and incentives.

6 RPMS Data as input to Learning and Development
L&D Cycle Results-based Performance Management System LEARNING NEEDS ANALYSIS INTERVENTION DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTION DELIVERY MONITORING & EVALUATION PPST Purpose of the Slide: To present RPMS as input to Learning and Development Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that at the center of the Learning and Development system for teachers, is the PPST. This shall be the basis of their professional career development interventions. The RPMS can provide data on teachers’ performance and can be used as basis for learning and development needs analysis and designing and development of L&D interventions, programs and activities.

7 Tools and Data Gathered for SY 2018-2019
Main Tools Use Data we can get Version RPMS-IPCRF Performance Appraisal Performance rating Paper-and-pen/Excel Development Plans L&D intervention Strengths and needs Paper-and-pen E-SAT Self-reflection Strengths and needs Electronic version (offline) Purpose of the Slide: To present tools and data gathered for SY Notes to Presenter: Say: The table shows the RPMS forms and tools and the data that can be gathered using these tools/forms during the first year of implementation of the first 12 PPST indicators. What we want is to have a way to collect and consolidate all these data so they can be used to inform our L&D and HR Systems. Because of time constraints, we decided to focus on the gathering the IPCRF ratings of teachers for SY COT Features of practice Features of practice Paper-and-pen

8 Developed PPST-based RPMS Support Materials
Purpose of the Slide: To introduce the different PPST-based RPMS Support Materials. Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that these are Support Materials for teachers, school heads, and even RPMS Facilitators. Highlight that these support materials aim to facilitate our teachers, school heads and facilitators in successfully implementing RPMS. Encourage participants to utilize these materials.

9 Developed PPST-based RPMS Support Materials
Purpose of the Slide: To introduce the different PPST-based RPMS Support Materials. Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that these are Support Materials for teachers, school heads, and even RPMS Facilitators. Highlight that these support materials aim to facilitate our teachers, school heads and facilitators in successfully implementing RPMS. Encourage participants to utilize these materials.

10 Excel-based Forms: IPCRF
Purpose of the Slide: To introduce the updated Excel-based IPCRF Parts I-IV. Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that an Excel file containing the Parts I-IV of the IPCRF was also developed to make the computation of the IPCRF ratings easier. The form easily computes for the transmutation of the COT rating to RPMS rating and the average and score of the IPCRF ratings.

11 Rationale for the RPMS Data Collection System
To better support the continuous professional development of teachers based on the PPST, BHROD seeks to establish baseline data on teachers’ proficiency level on the first 12 PPST indicators. All public schools need to submit data consolidated from teachers’ Individual Performance Commitment Review Forms (IPCRF) for SY There’s a need to establish a system that will enable collection and submission of RPMS data across governance levels Purpose of the Slide: To convey the rationale for the development of the IPCRF Collection System Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that an Excel file containing the Parts I-IV of the IPCRF was also developed to make the computation of the IPCRF ratings easier. The form easily computes for the transmutation of the COT rating to RPMS rating and the average and score of the IPCRF ratings.

12 Workshop with Regional and Division ITOs: Agreements
Update the tool and the Manual based on the comments and feedback for use in SY Use the current version of the tool and Manual for SY reorientation, including e-SAT Coordinate with DO/RO facilitators and assist in the RPMS reorientation (which includes e-SAT) Issue a memorandum detailing the processes, roles and responsibilities of process owners and IT personnel and timeline of collection and consolidation of RPMS data (IPCRF) for SY and SY Purpose of the Slide: To discuss the agreements that came up during the workshop on the RPMS Assessment involving regional and division ITOs.

13 Development of IPCRF Data Collection System
Consultation with DepEd ICTS Director Abanil and Staff (January 2019) Consultation with IT Personnel from Regions and Selected Divisions (February 2019) Development of the IPCRF Data Collection System with selected IT Personnel (Feb-March 2019) Purpose of the Slide: To discuss the timeline of the development of the IPCRF Data Collection System Notes to Presenter: Say: The following activities were undertaken to establish the RPMS Data collection system. We consulted with Dir Abanil and Ms. Clarice of ICTS on the possibility of establishing a RPMS data collection system within the existing ICTS system (e.g. EHRIS). The ICTS, however, told the BHROD that it will take time to develop such system because they only started to establish the DepED Enterprise Resource Planning System. In the interim, the BHROD has decided to create an Excel-based collection system, similar to the existing e-SAT. A team of selected IT personnel, representing school, SDO and RO were convened and developed the now IPCRF Data Collection System

14 Development of IPCRF Data Gathering Forms

15 RPMS Data Collection System R&D Team
Mr. Jonathan Fontanilla ISA III, ICTS-SDD Mr. Juan Carlos Sarmiento ITO, Manila Mr. Dharyl Bucad ICT Coordinator Betis HS Mr. Bryan Vicente EPS II Region III-HRDD Mr. Kevin Milo ITO, Island Garden City of Samal Mr. Arthur Aquino ITO, Olongapo City Mr. Rey Valenzuela ITO I, Region IV-A

16 signed by Usec Jesus LR Mateo
DepEd Memorandum DM-PFO signed by Usec Jesus LR Mateo Collection of Teachers’ IPCRF Data for Establishment of Baseline on Teachers’ Proficiency Level for SY and SY Purpose of the Slide: To present the memo on the Collection of Teachers’ IPCRF Data for Establishment of Baseline on Teachers’ Proficiency Level for SY and SY Notes to Presenter: Emphasize that the complete memo, including the annexes which contain the forms and links to be used during the data collection and consolidation process, should be disseminated to the division/school levels


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