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South Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "South Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Africa

2 Music… Scatterlings of Africa – Johnny Clegg
Mowbray Kaap – Freshly Ground


4 How does all of this make you feel about this country?

5 Nation Building The creation or development of a nation, especially one that has recently become independent. Unifying the people or peoples within a state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run

6 South Africa is so diverse…
Do you think it is possible for us to become one nation?

7 When have you seen South Africans coming together as one?
Sports Festivals Concerts Music and dance Protests?

8 Nation building in different contexts…
Community School Home Celebrate national days Get involved in community outreach Arrange sporting and cultural events that allow different communities to come together Teach about nation building Teach about different cultures and religions so that they can be celebrated Encourage diversity Celebrate national days; learn about the history Learn about neighbours; be a good neighbour Support community events

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