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Feeding Your Website: Video Strategy & Closed Captions

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1 Feeding Your Website: Video Strategy & Closed Captions
Learn about how the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business implemented a strategy to add closed captions (CC) to videos posted on their YouTube channel. How the Huntsman School was able to reduce the number of public videos on their channel. The importance of adding descriptions and tags to videos. See a demo of Verbatizer, which the Huntsman School uses to add CC to videos. Shara Gibbons, Webmaster Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

2 Intro/Stats Search Engines
We know that Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask are search engines, but did you realize that YouTube is also considered a search engine? YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine: bigger than Bing, Yahoo! and Ask combined Number of searches: more the 3 billion searches a month (36 billion a year) 168 billion a month (2 trillion a year)

3 Intro/Stats Closed Captioned Videos
We think of Closed Captions as something primarily utilized by those with audio disabilities, but that isn’t true anymore. Closed Captions improve user experience. 80% of viewers are more likely to watch a video until the end when closed captions are available. On Facebook, 85% of videos are watched on mute.

4 YouTube Video Ranking YouTube ranks videos on two things:
Video Content: Keywords Title Descriptions Tags Closed Captions (but not Google Automatic Closed Captions) User Engagement: Views Shares Thumbs up or down Comments Google Automatic Closed Captions are only about 70% accurate

5 Huntsman Videos May 2018 When we started our Video Clean-up Project we had: 418 Public Videos 41 Were Captioned (9.8%) Captioning Strategy: Use YouTube’s Automated Closed Captions, pay students to review and correct as needed (slow)

6 Video Clean-up Strategy Overview
Clean-up Existing Video Content (YouTube) - We didn’t want to pay to caption videos we no longer needed. Steps: Current Videos (Public vs Private) Current Playlists Optimize Public Videos Add Closed Captioning using Verbatizer

7 Video Clean-up Strategy Step 1: Current Videos (Public vs Private)
Guideline to help us determine which videos to make private: Relevant: (promotional video older than 2-years) Has a newer promotional video been created? Accurate: (content in video is still accurate) Note: we chose to make out of date videos private instead of deleting them, so that YouTube could contain a complete record of all of our videos (archive).

8 Video Clean-up Strategy
Step 2: Current Playlists Guidelines to help us determine which playlists to keep (and what new playlists were needed): What is the purpose of each playlist: Is it used on the Channel Home Page or on the Huntsman Website? Is the playlist still “Relevant”? Did we need to create new playlist(s) for the videos we were keeping (public videos)? Playlist Updates: For each playlist we kept or new ones we created, the title and description for each were reviewed and updated.

9 Video Clean-up Strategy
Step 3: Optimize Public Videos For each video that was kept as public we reviewed/updated the following: YouTube Video Elements: Title Description Tags Playlist: should the video be added to a playlist Website: was the video embedded on the website? Should it be?

10 Video Clean-up Strategy
Step 4: Add Closed Captioning (Verbatizer) We started with around 350 public videos (after the channel clean-up) that needed captioning, we also produce 60+ videos each year, so we knew we had to develop a strategy to prioritize captioning. Closed Captioning Strategy: Set a monthly captioning budget New videos first Existing videos (submitted at end of the month, prioritized by views)

11 Verbatizer by Verbit Verbit is an end-to-end transcription and captioning solution that leverages AI, machine learning technology, and human transcribers to provide a transcription file quickly (3 turn around options) and at high accuracy rate (99%).

12 Overview of Verbatizer
Three types of video uploads: Upload Video Directly Links Upload (paste in URL of where the video is hosted) Connected Accounts (YouTube channel) – select videos to be captioned YouTube Captioned Videos Final Captioned file passed to YouTube (no extra work needed) as well as some of the other connected account options.

13 Demo of Verbatizer Features Connected Accounts Submitting Videos
Finished Video Inaudible Notations Export Closed Caption File (transcript) Customer Dashboard Billing Reports

14 Demo of Verbatizer Connected Accounts

15 Demo of Verbatizer Submitting Videos

16 Demo of Verbatizer Finished Videos

17 Demo of Verbatizer Inaudible Content

18 Demo of Verbatizer Export Closed Caption File (transcript)

19 Demo of Verbatizer Customer Dashboard

20 Demo of Verbatizer Billing

21 Verbatizer Pricing Pricing per minute (based on turn around needs):
7 day: $.80 2 day: $.90 3 hour: $1.50 Sample Video Transcription Cost Turn Around Minutes of Video 7-day 2-day 3-hour 5 $ $ $ 10 $ $ $15.00 20 $16.00 $18.00 $30.00 30 $24.00 $27.00 $45.00 60 $48.00 $54.00 $90.00

22 Huntsman Videos May 2019 Current Video Numbers:
456 public and unlisted videos identified for captioning 153 videos have been captioned (33% complete) Progress in 1-year: Went from 9.8 % to 33% of videos captioned In AY we added 66 new videos that have all been captioned

23 Huntsman YouTube Analytics

24 Huntsman YouTube Analytics

25 Huntsman YouTube Analytics Traffic Source (Views)
Top Segments (last 90-days) YouTube Searches: 4,929 (38.6%) External: 4,292 (33.7%)

26 Huntsman YouTube Analytics Device Type (Views)
Top Segments (last 90-days) Computer: 6,455 (50.6%) Mobile Phone: 5,289 (41.5%)

27 Huntsman YouTube Analytics Playback location (Views)
Top Segments (last 90-days) YouTube Watch page: 10,944 (85.8%) Embedded in external website and apps: 1,694 (13.3%)

28 In Closing . . . Adding Closed Captioning to videos provides extensive searchable content that boosts the SEO potential of a video. Closed Captioning dramatically improves user experience. 80% of consumed media will be video by 2025.

29 USU Verbatizer Contact
Christopher Phillips Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Coordinator Phone: USU Video Captions Webpage:

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