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Community and Campus Sustainability Presented to Department of Energy Facilities Information Management System / RE Workshop Thomas Piechota, Ph.D., P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "Community and Campus Sustainability Presented to Department of Energy Facilities Information Management System / RE Workshop Thomas Piechota, Ph.D., P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community and Campus Sustainability Presented to Department of Energy Facilities Information Management System / RE Workshop Thomas Piechota, Ph.D., P.E Associate Vice President for Interdisciplinary Research Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

2 Outline Background and Drivers National Perspective UNLV Efforts

3 Defining Sustainability

4 Drivers Climate Change Aging infrastructure –$1.7 trillion Growth of intermountain west –Doubling of population in next 20 years –Infrastructure Challenges Depletion of natural resources

5 What is Sustainability?Sustainability Environment Social (Equity) EnvironmentalEconomic Energy Efficiency Incentives for green buildings Economic-Social Ethical business practices Fair trade Workers rights EnvironmentalSocial Environmental justice Stewards of the environment Adapted from the 2002 University of Michigan Sustainability Assessment Economic

6 Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission, 1987)

7 Principles of Sustainability Life Cycle Analysis Systems Thinking Resilience

8 Outline Background and Drivers National Perspective UNLV Efforts

9 Why is this Important? Campuses use a lot resources (e.g., energy, water, waste) Students Need to break down silos Rating Systems

10 Solar Decathlon ( ) (Net Zero Energy Home) Efficiency Reliability Marketability

11 Sustainability and Higher Education ResearchCurriculum Outreach Campus

12 American Colleges and Universities Presidents Climate Commitment Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions Climate neutral plan Integration of sustainability into curriculum Reporting of progress

13 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

14 Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS) Education and Research Operations Planning, Administration, & Engagement Innovation

15 How STARS Works Self Reporting Points awarded according to reported activities Final Score is weighted plus Innovation

16 Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS) Currently 276 institutions registered Of these, 56 have completed reporting Rating system at a glance: Score Needed > 85 > 65 > 45 > 23

17 Outline Background and Drivers National Perspective UNLV Efforts

18 STARS – UNLV at a Glance Education & Research 47% Operation: 34% Planning:58% Innovation:+ 4 Overall50% SILVER RATING!

19 New Education Efforts Solar and Renewable Energy Minor Undergraduate education (sustainability in the Gen Ed Core, 1st year experience) Sustainability as a campus-wide theme Internships

20 UNLV Urban Sustainability Initiative (USI) Mission To reach out and collaborate with faculty, students, community groups, and national/international leaders in finding solutions for the quality of life challenges confronting the Las Vegas metropolitan area, Nevada, the Southwest, the nation, and world.

21 Research Efforts $99 million in clean energy research over last 10 years Interdisciplinary Research Teams Water Resources Transportation Health and Built Environment

22 Nevada Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education, and Outreach (

23 Campus Sustainability Efforts Campus Recycling Efforts Xeriscape Environments LEED Certified Facilities

24 Campus Sustainability Efforts Presidents Climate Commitment Sustainability and Energy/Water Efficiency Policy (VP for Finance and Business) 2010 Association of Physical Plant Administrators Award for Excellence Sustainability Council Sustainability Interns (e.g., STARS) Awareness events (e.g., Focus the Nation, Earthhour)

25 Campus Sustainability Practices Rebel Recycling Food waste –Trayless dining –Composting Green purchasing Green athletic events Advanced energy management Water conservation

26 LEED Certified Buildings Science and Engineering Building Greenspun Hall

27 UNLV Utilities – Energy Use

28 UNLV Utilities – Water Use

29 Campus Facts $1.83 million dollars in energy savings in 2008 $11 million dollars saved in utility costs since 2001 697 tons of material recycled in 2009 UNLV now diverts more of its waste stream than it landfills! 212,402 ft 2 of turf removed in 2009 25% of the UNLV Foundation investment portfolio indexed on Dow Jones Sustainability Index

30 Conferences Inaugural Sustainability Summit (Nov 2007) National Clean Energy Summit (Aug 2008, 2009, 2010) Brookings Institute Roundtable (Oct 2008) Sustainability and Climate Change Education Conference (Mar 2009) North American Energy Roundtable (Mar 2009) EarthHour (Mar 2009, 2010) EarthHour Clean Energy Forum (September 2010) North American Energy-Water Nexus Roundtable (April 2011)

31 Community Partners City of Las Vegas Las Vegas Springs Preserve Regional Transportation Commission NV Energy Southern Nevada Water Authority Clark County

32 Outreach – USI Website


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