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Nursing 312 Overview of Library Resources at Marian University

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1 Nursing 312 Overview of Library Resources at Marian University
This tutorial will help online nursing students navigate the library’s website and use the library’s resources. View the table of contents on the next slide to skip to a specific topic.

2 Table of Contents Library Website: Slide 3
Outreach/Online Students: Slide 4 Off-Campus Access: Slide 5 Books-SabreCat: (Books from Marian University’s Library) Slides 6-10 Books-WorldCat: (Books from other libraries) Slides 11-14 Articles: (Online Journal Databases) Slides 15-23 Additional Tutorials: (Library Research and Resources) Slides 24-25 APA Citations: Slide 26-27 Questions: Slide 28

3 Library Website:
Links to library resources are located along the upper right side of the website. *The library website can be accessed by typing the address into the address bar, through the My Marian portal by selecting the “Academics” tab then “Library”, or through the library link provided in Marian Online2.

4 (Online/Distance Students)
Outreach Students (Online/Distance Students) Outreach or online students have access to the same resources as the on-campus students. Online resources are available to students through an off-campus login and print materials may be borrowed from our library or from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. View the Outreach Students link on the library webpage for more information.

5 Off Campus Access to Library Resources
Use of certain library resources from off-campus requires users to log in using the information shown below: For more information about off-campus access, including what to do if you forget your login information, visit the Off-Campus Access link on the library website. *You will be prompted to enter your login information when you try to access certain resources from off-campus (such as the electronic journal databases, e-books, WorldCat, etc.).

6 SabreCat: our library’s catalog
Books SabreCat: our library’s catalog Select SabreCat from the resource list on the library webpage. Then select “Advanced Search” on the screen shown above. *SabreCat is the online catalog. *The Advanced Search will give you more search options.

7 Books – SabreCat (continued)
On the Advanced Search screen, enter your search terms in the search fields. You can search for a specific title or author by selecting those options from the drop-down menus. Books – SabreCat (continued) You can limit your search to books by selecting “BOOKS” under “Material Type”. If you’re an outreach student, you may want to limit your search to e-books that you can read from off campus. Select “Internet” under “Location” to limit your search to e-books. If you don’t select an option under “Material Type” or “Location”, your search will give you results from all types of materials in all locations. To search for print books only, select “Circulating Stacks” or “Reference” under “Location”.

8 Books – SabreCat (continued)
Results screen: List of results shows certain information about titles. Click on title for more detail. If LOCATION = “Internet” and STATUS = “ON LINE”, this indicates that the item is an e-book. For print books, LOCATION is usually “Circulating Stacks” and STATUS is either “AVAILABLE” or “CHECKED OUT”.

9 Books – SabreCat (continued)
Detailed Record – click on a title in the results list to reveal the item’s complete record like the one shown below: If the item is an e-book, it can be viewed full text through a link like this one. The complete record contains important information, such as the table of contents, subjects, and bibliographic information needed to cite the resource.

10 Borrowing Print Books as Off Campus / Online Students:
Books – SabreCat: (continued) Borrowing Print Books as Off Campus / Online Students: Off campus or online students can still borrow physical books from our library by selecting the “Request” option next to the item in SabreCat. You will then be prompted to complete an ILL (InterLibrary Loan) request form and the library will send the book to you. Though the library will send books to off campus /online students free of charge, you will be responsible for the cost of their return postage and postal insurance. *Books requested through ILL may take 1-2 weeks or more to arrive so it is best to plan accordingly and make any requests early enough to ensure you will receive them before your assignment is due.

11 WorldCat: Ordering Books from other Libraries
Books - WorldCat WorldCat: Ordering Books from other Libraries WorldCat allows you to search for and order books from other libraries. Search by topic, or title/author if known. Limit your results using limiters such as “Year”, type of material (i.e. Books), and “Subtype” (i.e. “not Juvenile” to retrieve results not intended for a juvenile audience).

12 Books – WorldCat (continued)
Results List: Titles from your search will be displayed along with some additional information, including the number of libraries which own the items. Click on the title to view a more detailed record and to request the item.

13 Books – WorldCat (continued)
Clicking on the title will display the complete record, where you can view bibliographic information needed to cite the item, retrieve a citation using the “Cite This Item” feature, or request the item using the “Borrow this item from another library” link. Clicking this link will bring you to the ILL (InterLibrary Loan) request form screen.

14 Books – WorldCat (continued)
InterLibrary Loan Request form screen *If you use the “Borrow this item from another library” link in WorldCat, the item’s information (title, author, publication information, etc.) is already automatically completed. You only need to enter your information as shown in the image above. To borrow an item from another library through WorldCat, you must complete an ILL (InterLibrary Loan) request form. Fill in all the required fields (indicated by *) and submit your form.

15 Finding Articles for Nursing Research
There are several places to search for electronic journal articles. From the library website, either click on the “Databases A to Z” link for the complete list of over 100 electronic journal databases, or for subject specific lists, click on the “Databases by Subject” link and select “Nursing” from the list. The Nursing resource page contains a smaller list of databases, new books, reference books and other resources that are all related to the field of nursing.

16 Articles (continued) Finding Articles for Nursing Research
Recommended Databases: Try different databases in the Nursing Pathfinder, such as CINAHL. CINAHL: The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature provides indexing for over 5,300 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to CINAHL Complete also contains searchable cited references for more than 1,500 journals and provides full text for hundreds of journals, plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. PDF back files to 1937 are also included. CINAHL is an excellent place to begin all nursing research.

17 Articles (continued) Finding Articles for Nursing Research
The CINAHL search screen will look like this. Enter your search terms in the fields on the top. Select “TX All Text” from the drop down menu to search for your terms anywhere in the text. This will provide more results. Select “AB Abstract” to search your terms only within the abstracts. If you know the name of the title and/or author of a specific article, choose “AU Author” or “TI Title” from the menu and enter the title and/or author. *Results can be limited either before or after you perform your initial search.

18 Narrowing your list of results
Articles (continued) Narrowing your list of results After your initial search, the number of results is listed. You may want to limit or refine your results if there are too many. Use the options on the side to limit your results. You may want to select Full Text, change the Publication Date to more recent dates, select source type such as Academic Journals, or click on Subject: Major Heading to select from subtopics within your initial result list. *If you still have too many results, you may want to enter additional search terms. You can also observe the subject headings listed under the results to get ideas. Select the operator “OR” from the drop down box in the search fields to get results from 2 similar results (i.e. “nursing” OR “nurses”).

19 Articles (continued) Hover your cursor over this symbol to view the abstract of the article. Once you’ve narrowed your results, search for relevant articles. Examine the titles, abstracts, subjects, etc. to find out if they’re relevant. Click on the title to view the detailed record and for more options. If there is a PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text icon, click on it to access full text.

20 Articles (continued) Detailed Record of Article
Click on a title in the results list to display the detailed record. Here you can view the citation information, access the full text, view the abstract, or use any of the tools on the right hand side such as Print, , Save, Cite the article or get a Permalink to the article. *To print the full-text of the article, you must open the full text first. Printing from the detailed record page (shown above) will print the record only.

21 Accessing Full Text of Articles
Articles (continued) Accessing Full Text of Articles To print an article full text, it must have the following link under the citation: If the Full Text from LinkSource link appears, click it to access the full text of the article from another database. If there is no full text option, click the Request this item through Interlibrary Loan link. This form will allow you to order the article from another library. It may take 7-10 days to receive the article, so be sure to request articles ahead of due dates. *LinkSource means our library has the article through a different database than the one you’re using. Sometimes the LinkSource will link directly to the full text through the other database, or occasionally it will only link to the database and you must then search for the article in that database.

22 Articles (continued) More Recommended Databases
Academic Search Premier The leading scholarly resource found in many academic institutions worldwide, this comprehensive, multidisciplinary database provides full text for nearly 4,500 journals. LWW Nursing and Health Premier Collection contains many full text journals in nursing and nursing research fields not available in CINAHL including the American Journal of Nursing (AJN). ScienceDirect contains full text nursing journals covering a range of topics including AORN and Applied Nursing Research. MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, etc. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE allows users to search abstracts from over 4,600 current biomedical journals. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 600 scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 650 journals. It also includes the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide which provides up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs. *There are many more medical and nursing related resources available. Look through the Nursing resource page (located in Databases by Subject) for additional resources. Depending on your topic, you may want to try news or legal resources for historical background information. Psychology related resources may be useful for some topics as well.

23 Articles (continued) Searching Multiple Databases Together
EBSCO databases may be searched together. Click on the EBSCOhost Database Complete List link from either Databases A-Z or from the Nursing Pathfinder. *Only EBSCO databases may be searched together. Non-EBSCO databases (i.e. PubMed, LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier, etc.) can only be searched individually. Select the checkboxes next to as many EBSCO databases that you want to search simultaneously.

24 Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Contains articles and protocols for best practices of evidence based health care. Reviews studies and then combines the results using meta-statistics to create health care recommendations.

25 Additional Library Tutorials
View additional tutorials for more thorough instruction in specific areas: Click on the Database Guides and Tutorials link to view tutorials featuring search tips and instructions from the database vendors themselves. Click on the Marian Online 2 Library Tutorials link to log into the Library Tutorials course on Marian Online 2 and view additional library tutorials for further detail on library research and resources. Be sure to check out the Nursing subject-specific tutorial.

26 Additional Library Tutorials (continued) Marian Online 2 Library Tutorials
The Marian Online 2 Library Tutorials link will take you to the Marian Online 2 login screen. Click on the Marian Library link under “Marian University Community Courses” then log in to enter the Library Tutorials course, where you can view tutorials and also access the “Chat with a Librarian” feature.

27 APA Citations: Citation Guides
Click on the Reference and Research Services link from the library website. Click on the Citations, Plagiarism, and Copyright link under “Guides and Tutorials” for resources related to writing styles and citation.

28 APA Citations: (continued)
The Citations, Plagiarism and Copyright page provides links to several great APA resources. The Basics of APA Style link takes you to the APA website’s APA citation guide. The OWL link takes you to the award winning Purdue Online Writing Lab, which has writing style guides for APA. OWL’s APA guides include examples of citations for all different types of resources, including online resources. *You can also contact Marian University’s Writing Lab for questions about APA citations. (920)

29 Questions? If you have any questions, please feel free to call the reference desk at (920) Or Fill out the Ask A Reference Librarian form the reference librarians at Log into Marian Online2 and use the Chat with a Librarian feature. We will be happy to assist you.

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