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Preparing Business For The Transition Towards GST ___________________________________________ GST UNIT ROYAL MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Business For The Transition Towards GST ___________________________________________ GST UNIT ROYAL MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Business For The Transition Towards GST ___________________________________________

2 Briefing Agenda ______________________________________________________ 1. Supplies Spanning GST 2. Non Reviewable Contract 3. Special Refund 4. Government Preparation 5. Business Preparation 2

3 Supplies Spanning GST 3

4 Exception to the general rule
Supplies Spanning GST _______________________________________________________________ Meaning of supply spanning GST Payment or invoice before appointed date(AD) and supply takes place on and after appointed date e.g. sale of goods, airline tickets. General Rule Any supply before appointed date - not subject to GST Any supply on or after appointed date - subject to GST Exception to the general rule Supply of warranty Provision of services where service tax has been charged Provision of goods where sales tax has been charged Non reviewable contracts 4

5 Supplies Spanning GST ______________________________________________________
BEFORE GST ON OR AFTER GST GST IMPLICATION Goods Supplied (removed/made available) Invoice issued or payment received Not subject to GST but subject to SALES TAX Supply of goods subjects to sales tax Supply of non taxable goods under Sales Tax Act 1972 Value of supply deemed inclusive of GST and account in the 1st taxable period after the appointed date Goods imported Release from customs control Subject to GST and date of importation is when goods released from customs control 5

6 Non Reviewable Contract

7 Non Reviewable Contract ____________________________________________________ Non reviewable contract
Written contract with no provision to review consideration for the supply until a review opportunity arises. And Contract entered into not less than 2 years before GST implementation date 7

8 Change the consideration because of the imposition of GST
Non Reviewable Contract ____________________________________________________ Meaning of review opportunity Opportunity for supplier either by himself or with agreement to- Change the consideration because of the imposition of GST Conduct a review after AD, renegotiation or alteration of consideration, or Conduct a review before AD, renegotiation or alteration of the consideration 8

9 Both supplier and recipient are registered persons;
Non Reviewable Contract ____________________________________________________ Zero-rated supply for 5 years after appointed date or when a review opportunity arises whichever us the earlier if – Both supplier and recipient are registered persons; Supply is a taxable supply; and The recipient of the supply is making wholly taxable supply 9

10 Special Refund 10

11 Claimant is registered person(mandatory registrant)
Special Refund ____________________________________________________ Entitled to special refund of sales tax if – Claimant is registered person(mandatory registrant) Holds goods on appointed date for making taxable supply Goods are subject to sales tax Holds relevant invoices or import document proving sales tax has been paid 11

12 Capital goods e.g. building and land
Special Refund ____________________________________________________ Goods not eligible for special refund Capital goods e.g. building and land Goods used partially or incorporated into other goods e.g. raw materials, work in progress Goods for hire e.g. cars, generators Goods not for business e.g. personal use 12

13 Special Refund ____________________________________________________
Goods not for sale or exchange e.g. containers, pellets, stationeries, moulds, manufacturing aids Goods entitled to claim for drawback when exported Good allowed sales tax deduction under Section 13A Sales Tax Act 1972( credit system) – 8% Tax Credit for Vendors 13

14 Special Refund ____________________________________________________
Manner to claim special To claim within 6months from appointed date, 1st April 2015 For special refund < RM 10,000 requires audit certificate signed by a chartered accountant For special refund ≥RM10,000 requires audit certificate signed by an approved company auditor 14

15 Special Refund _______________________________________________________
Required to fill a claim form To be refunded in 8 equal instalments over a period of 2 years To account as output tax if special refund is claimed and goods subsequently returned to supplier 15

16 Government Preparation

17 Getting the tax accepted Getting the people ready
Government Preparation ____________________________________________________ Areas requiring attention Getting the tax right Getting the tax accepted Getting the people ready Getting the systems ready Requires joint effort of government and business community 19

18 Government Preparation ____________________________________________________
Getting the tax right Right model To be clear what to tax Zero rate basic food and exported goods and services Exempt public transport, residential property, education, health, highway toll and financial services Legislations and procedures Clear, simple and ease of administration GST Act, 3 Regulations and 8 Orders GST guides GST rulings 20

19 Government Preparation ____________________________________________________
Subsidiary legislations: GST(General) Regulations GST(Tribunal) Regulations GST(Advance Ruling) Regulations GST(Exempt Supplies) Order GST(Zero Rate Supplies) Order GST(Rate of Tax) Order GST(Designated Area) Order GST(Liability to be Registered) Order GST(Government Taxable Supplies) Order GST(Relief) Order GST(Free Commercial Zone) Order 21

20 Getting the tax accepted Outreach program
Government Preparation ____________________________________________________ Getting the tax accepted Outreach program 1. Awareness Consumer Business Government 2. Training organized by: MOF, Customs Business chambers, professional bodies, FMM, SME Corp, NGOs, association etc 22

21 Organization structure Manpower Recruitment Training
Government Preparation ____________________________________________________ Getting the people ready Organization structure Manpower Recruitment Training Taxpayer service Call centre: , 03, GST portal 24

22 25

23 Getting the system ready
Government Preparation ____________________________________________________ Getting the system ready 1) Core module Registration Tax return Payment Refund 2) Infrastructure 3) Integration ( Customs, MOF, JPN, SSM and banks) 4) Training 26

24 Business Preparation 27

25 To implement a GST compliant system
GST Implementation Approach ____________________________________________________ To implement a GST compliant system GST Project Team 1st phase 2nd phase 3rd phase Develop implementation plan Implementation and execute Post implementation Tax regulatory compliance Documentation and system Legal and transitional issues Education and training Vendor and supplier communication 28

26 Business Preparation ____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Registration Pre-registration Registration exercise begins 6 months before GST implementation date ( 1 October 2014) Mandatory registration To register 3 months before GST implementations date (1 January 2015) Voluntary registration( remain registered not less than 2 years) Compliance costs Vs input tax credit claims Supplier and customer profile 29

27 Business Preparation _____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Prices
Identify existing supplier Talk to small suppliers to get them registered Review procurement policy to avoid tax cascading Negotiate prices with suppliers to pass on saving Review sales price Price inclusive or exclusive of GST Absorption of GST Price control and anti Profiteering Act 2011 30

28 Business Preparation _____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Stock Management Monitor business stocks Purchase strikes and lulls Procurement policy Registration and deregistration Special refund Physical stock take Documents to support refund Audit certificate 31

29 Need to analyze cash flow impact
Business Preparation _____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Cash Flow Need to analyze cash flow impact Cash recover from customer before GST is due Assess the need to provide for one time fund to cater for GST payment upfront Review credit terms to customers Review requirement to apply for special schemes(e.g. Approved Trader Scheme) 32

30 Identify whether standard rate, zero rate or exempt supply
Business Preparation ____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Invoicing Identify whether standard rate, zero rate or exempt supply Issuance of full and simplified tax invoice Not allowed to issue tax invoice for imported services and second-hand goods under margin scheme 21-day rule 33

31 Business Preparation ____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Output Tax Gifts > RM500 subject to GST Commercial samples in a form not ordinarily available for sale to the public not subject to GST Deemed supply e.g. private use and disposal of business assets subject to GST Supplies to connected persons Business assets held on last day of registration 34

32 Business Preparation _____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Input Tax Input tax credit Apportionment of input tax for mixed supplied Blocked inputs not claimable( e.g. passenger car, entertainment expenses to persons other than employees or existing customers) 35

33 Avoid long term contract without legal review
Business Preparation _____________________________________________________ GST Implication on Contracts Avoid long term contract without legal review Zero-rated supply for 5 years for non reviewable contract GST Implication on Human Resource Upgrade staff understanding of GST Avoid unnecessary mistakes False information may open to audit case 36

34 Business Preparation _________________________________________ GST Implication on System
Review system and processes Perform complete mapping of transactions to identify required changes Online application and submission to tax agency Computerised system Ready-made software Upgrading present system 37

35 Wish List _____________________________________________________
Both business community and Government are well-prepared to implement GST Implementation problems are minimizedl Minimum impact on prices of goods and services Public accept GST implementation 38

36 Thank you “PAM does not take responsibility on the accuracy of the above information. The information aforementioned is based on PAM’s internal research made available from accounting books to the best of PAM’s knowledge only for your easy reference. Members are encourage to seek further advice from a qualified auditor/accountant. Members who wish to rely on the above information have been informed of the risks associated with relying on such information.”

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