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Speak Your Mind Mental Health Session

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1 Speak Your Mind Mental Health Session

2 The democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people…
About SYP The democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people… The Scottish Youth Parliament represents young people all over Scotland. We were established on the 30th June 1999, making us one day older than the Scottish Parliament. Elections are held every 2 years, and young people from all over Scotland can stand as candidates to become MSYPs.

3 MSYPs Aged Two year term Elected to represent young people in every constituency in all 32 Local Authorities and 8 National Voluntary Organisations. SYPEERS Aged Six month term Chosen to deliver engagement sessions to young people within their local area.


5 Speak Your Mind aims to address:
2016 Campaign Speak Your Mind aims to address: Prevention: working to prevent mental health issues before they arise; Early Intervention: recognising early warning signs of mental health issues and knowing how to positively intervene before they reach a critical stage; and Services and Support: improving the quality of services and support for young people with mental health issues. This is a new campaign and more information and resources will become available throughout the 2016 year!

6 Ground Rules #SYPSpeakYourMind

7 Mental Health is.. ‘…a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’ World Health Organisation (2015) Mental Health: a state of well-being #SYPSpeakYourMind

8 Aims of Today To increase awareness and understanding of the issues associated with mental health. To tackle stigma that can be associated with mental health problems. To empower young people to feel confident having positive conversations about mental health. #SYPSpeakYourMind

9 Higher or Lower? Option 1 For this activity, the facilitator will read out a statistic about mental health, and you should indicate whether you think the number that relates to that statistic is higher or lower than 50% #SYPSpeakYourMind

10 Question 1 How many people do you think experience a mental health problem in any given year? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50% Answer … 25% * Time to Change (2008) Available at #SYPSpeakYourMind

11 Question 2 Out of all mental health problems, what percentage do you think have already developed by the time a person is 24? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50% *Mental Health Foundation (2015) Available at Answer … 75% #SYPSpeakYourMind

12 Question 3 How many children and young people who experience mental health problems have been affected by discrimination? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50%? Answer … 90% *Time to Change (2008) Available at #SYPSpeakYourMind

13 Question 4 How many young people who experience mental health problems have said that fear of stigma would stop them applying for jobs? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50% Answer … 57% *Time to Change (2013) Available at #SYPSpeakYourMind

14 Question 5 What percentage of Young Offenders in prison do you think have a mental health problem? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50% Answer … 95% #SYPSpeakYourMind

15 Question 6 What percentage of the world’s children and young people have mental health problems? Is it HIGHER or LOWER than 50% Answer … 20% #SYPSpeakYourMind

16 Higher or Lower Option 2 For this activity, the facilitator will read out two statements. One of these will be a general statement, and one will be about mental health (the statements will also be shown on the slides). You have to choose which of the two statistics is higher by holding up the relevant card. #SYPSpeakYourMind

17 Question 1 25% 10% Which is higher …
A. The percentage of people who experience a mental health problem in any given year. OR B. The amount of the earth that is covered in ice. 25% 10% #SYPSpeakYourMind

18 Question 2 Which is higher… A. The percentage of mental health problems that are established by the age of 24. OR B. The percentage of people in Britain that say they use Social Media every day. 75% 81% #SYPSpeakYourMind

19 Question 3 Which is higher… A. The percentage of children and young people who have mental health problems that have been affected by discrimination OR B. The percentage of year olds that turned out to vote in the 2014 Scottish referendum. 90% 75% #SYPSpeakYourMind

20 Question 4 Which is higher… A. The amount of young people with mental health problems that have said fear of stigma would stop them applying for jobs. OR B. The percentage of a jellyfish that is made up of water. 57% 95% #SYPSpeakYourMind

21 Question 5 Which is higher… A. The percentage of the world’s children and young people that have mental health problems OR B. The percentage of a panda’s diet that is made up of bamboo 20% 99% #SYPSpeakYourMind

22 Question 6 Which is higher… A. The percentage of young people in prison who have mental health problems OR B. The percentage of year olds in the UK that own a smart phone 95% 90% #SYPSpeakYourMind

23 All the Emojis Match the emoji to the term which you feel it best represents… #SYPSpeakYourMind

24 All the Emojis Why did you choose to put your emoji where you did?
The point of this game is to demonstrate that everyone’s mental health is on a spectrum, and that we all have ups and downs. Feeling rubbish sometimes does not mean that you have a mental health problem.. Conversely you don’t necessarily feel rubbish all of the time if you have a mental health problem. This game also shows us that it is hard to tell how people are feeling inside, as they may hide their true feelings behind a happy face. #SYPSpeakYourMind

25 Roots Option 1 On the roots of the tree template, write some ideas of things that you think could affect a person’s mental health. Note: these could be both positive and negative things. #SYPSpeakYourMind

26 Roots Option 2 Now that you have thought about some of the things that can affect a person’s mental health, you are going to think about the effects of poor mental health. Write on the leaf templates and then stick them on to the tree. Use this exercise to have a think about some of the possible effects of experiencing a mental health problem. #SYPSpeakYourMind

27 What Would You Do? In your groups, look at the scenarios you have been given and discuss what you would do in that situation. You have 5 minutes to discuss these and then you should be prepared to feed back to the rest of the group. #SYPSpeakYourMind

28 Are you OK?

29 Evaluation How did you find today? Is there anything that we could do to make this session better? Would you say that your knowledge and attitude regarding mental health has improved as a result of this session? #SYPSpeakYourMind

30 Useful Organisations If you are worried about your own mental health, or about somebody else’s, there are various people/ organisations that you could turn to for advice and support. If you are in school, you may want to speak to your guidance teacher, school counsellor, school nurse or another trusted member of staff. If you are in College or University, then you many want to turn to your student advice and support service. The following organisations can also offer support and information about mental health: Breathing Space, Tel: Samaritans, Tel: NHS24, Tel: Childline, Tel: SAMH, Tel: Scottish Youth Parliament, Tel: See Me Scotland, Mental Health Foundation, Penumbra, IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS DIAL 999.

31 @OfficialSYP
Thank You! Thanks for taking part today, and if you want to know any more about SYP or our Speak Your Mind campaign then please get in touch! #SYPSpeakYourMind Find out more… @OfficialSYP e:


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