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Lets Really Use Data to Plan Instruction OIP Leadership Network November 8, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Lets Really Use Data to Plan Instruction OIP Leadership Network November 8, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lets Really Use Data to Plan Instruction OIP Leadership Network November 8, 2013

2 What are you currently doing? We use assessment scoresWe use assessment learning targets We are working on demonstrating an understanding of figurative language Forty-one students scored below 42% We are working on demonstrating an understanding of figurative language Forty-one students scored below 42%

3 What are you currently doing? The teachers met to go over their formative data and decided to: Place the 42 students scoring below 42% in one group for core instruction focused on defining figurative language and the completion of a worksheet for practice

4 What are you currently doing? The teachers met to go over their formative data and decided to: Place the 42 students scoring below 42% in 5 groups identified by learning targets for core instruction focused on understanding figurative language Games – Quiz, quiz, trade Identifying figurative language in context (similes, metaphors, and idioms) Mentor text for comprehension Figurative language book of drawings Guided practice – write our own

5 PREDICTION Which team was more focused on achievement? Which group of students made the most progress? Which team worked smarter not harder? Why? Which team had fewer students requiring intervention after the summative assessment?

6 What would you do? What would you suggest your team do to differentiate the instruction for the 18 yellow (targeted) students and the 7 green (proficient) students? The assessment data showed the yellow group had the most difficulty with idioms and their meaning The green group could identify similes but needed support to add them to their own writing

7 Feedback to the team Lets review the TBT for the 5th grade team Craft warm and cool feed back to support their thinking and future planning Warm feedback – well done and worth repeating Cool feedback – concerns presented in the form of questions (have you thought about, did you consider…)

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