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Bachelor of Food Science & Human Nutrition and

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1 Bachelor of Food Science & Human Nutrition and
Welcome to the Bachelor of Food Science & Human Nutrition and Bachelor of Food Science & Human Nutrition/B Business Program Information Session | Tuesday 23 July 2019 Insert program name and date of presentation

2 Acknowledgement of Country
On behalf of the University of Newcastle I respectfully acknowledge the traditional custodians: the Darkinjung people, on whose traditional land the Ourimbah campus of The University of Newcastle is located and pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging.

3 Program Convenor Dr Quan Vuong Photo goes here
The Program Convenor is the academic staff member with overall responsibility for the management and quality of your program. Contact me for advice on academic matters, including career advice and course recommendations to suit your interests and study plans. Dr Quan Vuong Photo goes here Insert name and photo of Program Convenor

4 Program Advisor and Student Advisor
Course Coordinator A  Course Coordinator is responsible for organising one or more individual courses (subjects). You will have a different Course Coordinator for each course you are enrolled in, and examples of areas for which they are responsible include course content, adverse circumstances, and grades. Program Advisor and Student Advisor A Program Advisor has thorough knowledge of a degree program. Your Program Advisor can help you ensure that you are following the requirements and structure of your degree program. You should contact your Program Advisor if you have any administrative enquiries about your degree. Student Advisors are part of the Student Advice Team and are located in Student Central locations. They assist you to navigate UON policies and procedures and the free services to support you during your study.

5 Program Advisor A Program Advisor has thorough knowledge of a degree program. Your Program Advisor can help you ensure that you are following the requirements and structure of your degree program. You should contact your Program Advisor if you have any administrative enquiries about your degree. For more info visit or The Program Convenor can introduce the Program Advisor to the group. If the attending Program Advisor is not the PA for the program, the Program Convenor to tell the group the PA’s name and refer the students to the programadvice

6 Do you need to study maths as part of your degree?
You may need to sit a maths placement test. Maths Placement Tests to be held at Ourimbah: 24 July – 12:00pm-13:00 EXSA201 Additional sessions will be held during the first week of semester. Make sure you register in Career Hub to attend. For details visit ASKUON - How can I access a Math Placement Test (MPT) to check my mathematics knowledge is adequate for my program? If you completed HSC mathematics with a Band 5 or higher in the past two years you don’t need to sit the test. Delete slide if not relevant.

7 Semester Study Load Full-time study = Part-time study =
Domestic Students: Enrolled in 30 units or more per semester or enrolled in a total of 60 units or more in that academic year International Students: Enrolled in 40 units per semester Part-time study = Domestic Students: 10 – 20 units per semester International Students: Should enroll full-time. Meet with a Student Advisor or visit Student Central if you want to vary your course load Every 10 unit course requires 10 hours study per week

8 Terminology Core Courses = Directed Course = Elective =
compulsory courses completed by everyone studying the program Directed Course = a course chosen from a list or group of courses Elective = any unrestricted course in the University Delete any terms not relevant to the program

9 What to bring on your first day
Laptop or tablet Pen and notepad Course Outline Lecture notes Lab notes This will be program specific. Please make the list comprehensive.

10 What you will need in this program
Examples include: Lab coat Safety boots Safety glasses Delete anything not applicable and add anything not noted in the slide.

11 UONline (Blackboard)
You will find all information related to the courses such as announcements, course outline, lecture notes, lab notes, online quizzes, recorded lectures and your grades.

12 UONCapture
UONCapture is the University's platform for recording classes and other teaching resources. Timetabled lectures conducted in equipped classrooms will be recorded. To access these recordings, please log into UONline and visit your course site. Then, click the UONCapture link at the bottom of your course menu to access recordings.

13 When do tutorials and/or labs start?
Lectures start next week Tutorials generally start in week 2. Lab induction for some courses is usually in week 1. This will be program specific. It is worth mentioning how many labs/tuts students must attend.

14 Textbooks Textbooks needed for each course are often mentioned in the Course Outline or Lecturers will tell you in the first week. You can either buy the textbooks or borrow them from the library (short-time loans).

15 Program Plan A Program Plan outlines the structure of your degree. It is designed to provide you with an easy to follow plan you can use to check that you are on track with your degree, and help you choose courses that will be appropriate for your program.

16 See your Program Plan under Program Information
How to access your program plan Log into myUON Click the My Details tile See your Program Plan under Program Information

17 Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

18 Are you eligible for credit?
If you have studied at another institution you may be eligible for credit. For advice, talk to your Program Advisor Credit information for current students

19 Reflections from an alumnus or alumna
If possible, have an alumnus or alumna speak briefly about their experience in the program and how it led to their current career. If it is not possible to find an alumnus this slide can be deleted.

20 What to expect in your first semester - tips from a current student
Work starts in Week 1 – there is no easing into it The Course Outline will include a list of assessments and due dates Some of your courses will require formal exams You’ll go through ups and downs – excitement, followed by self-doubt, followed by confidence Don’t be afraid to ask for help – knowing what you don’t know is a valuable skill Tailor this to the program – this content is best delivered by a current student. The dot points above are a guide only.

21 How to manage your assessment schedule
Use a diary Use a wall planner (grab a free wall planner at the Orientation Expo or from Student Central) Look at the due date and count backwards to work out when you need to start assignments App to remind you when things are due Whatever works for you, there is no right or wrong

22 Checklist for first day at uni
Have you: Organised a student card? Organised a parking permit or know which bus to catch? Know where your rooms are located? Downloaded the myuon app? Bought plenty of insect repellent? There may be program specific additions for this slide.

23 All the best for next week
“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” —Thomas Jefferson” Any inspirational quote can be used in this slide.

24 Are there any questions?


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