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Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi

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1 Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi +91 9319674298

2 Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi Arthroscopy or Arthroscopic surgery in Delhi, is a surgical procedure which is performed by an Orthopaedic surgeon to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint.Arthroscopic surgery in Delhi To examine, an orthopaedic surgeon makes a small incision in the affected area and then inserts small size (Key Hole) instruments that contain a small camera with lighting system to examine the structures inside the joint, this complete instrument is called Arthroscope. The television camera attached to the Arthroscope displays the image of the joint on a television screen, allowing the surgeon to see the cartilage, ligaments, and under the kneecap. The Arthroscopy surgeon in Delhi can determine the type of injury and then repair the problem.Arthroscopy surgeon in Delhi

3 Why is Arthroscopy Necessary? Arthroscopy is necessary to diagnose joint injuries and disease mainly through examining medical history, physical examination, and usually X-rays. Sometimes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scan may also be needed for detailed examination.

4 Types of Arthroscopy Knee Arthroscopy Shoulder Arthroscopy Elbow Arthroscopy Ankle Arthroscopy Hip Arthroscopy Wrist Arthroscopy

5 How is Arthroscopy Performed? Arthroscopic surgery takes less recovery time than open surgery, You will be given a general or local anaesthesia, depending on the joint or suspected problem. A small incision (Keyhole) will be made to insert the arthroscope. Several other incisions may be made to see other parts of the joint or insert other instruments. When indicated, corrective surgery is performed with specially designed instruments that are inserted into the joint through other incisions. Initially, arthroscopy was used as a diagnostic tool for planning open surgery. With development of better instrumentation and surgical techniques, many conditions can be treated arthroscopically.

6 What are advantages? Although arthroscopic surgery has become popular among general public because it is used to treat well- known athletes, it is an extremely valuable tool for all orthopaedic patients and is generally easier on the patient than "open" surgery. Most patients have their arthroscopic surgery as outpatients.

7 What is recovery like after Arthroscopy? The small puncture wounds take several days to heal. The operative dressing can usually be removed the morning after surgery and adhesive strips can be applied to cover the small healing incisions. Although the puncture wounds are small and pain in the joint that underwent arthroscopy is minimal, it takes several weeks for the joint to maximally recover. A specific activity and rehabilitation program may be suggested to speed your recover and protect future joint function. It is not unusual for patients to go back to work or school or resume daily activities within a few days. Athletes and others who are in good physical condition may in some cases return to athletic activities within a few weeks.

8 What are the Possible Complication? Complications do occur occasionally during or following arthroscopy. Infection, blood clots of a vein, excessive swelling or bleeding, damage to blood vessels or nerves, and instrument breakage are the most common complications, but occur in far less than 1% of all arthroscopic procedures.

9 Best Arthroscopy Surgeon in Delhi At Orthotreatment centre in you will find our best Arthroscopy surgeon for Arthroscopy surgery in Delhi. Some of our best Arthroscopy Surgeon in Delhi are-best Arthroscopy Surgeon in Delhi 1.Dr. Ashish Jain 2.Dr.Atul Mishra 3.Dr. Surya Bhan 4.Dr.Arvind Jayaswal

10 Contact Us For Booking an appointment of Best Arthroscopy Surgeon in Delhi Please Visit:- Email Id:- Phone Number: +91 9319674298 Thank You

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