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Tyee After-School Activities/Clubs, PTSA Volunteer Opportunities

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1 Tyee After-School Activities/Clubs, PTSA Volunteer Opportunities
Tyee Family University June 5, 2019

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions Overview
Associated Student Body (ASB) Clubs Jubilee Reach Sports PTSA Clubs Volunteer with PTSA Presentation from Tyee PTSA Competition Math Club

3 After-School Activities Overview
There are three organizations that run after-school activities at Tyee: Associated Student Body (ASB) (Tyee Middle School) Jubilee REACH (nonprofit organization that partners with Bellevue School District to provide clubs and activities for middle school students) Tyee PTSA (nonprofit organization that partners with Tyee Middle School to support Tyee students, teachers, and staff) The organizations generally try to provide complementary (not competing) activity options The following may differ depending on which organization is running the activity: Timing of activity Registration process & fees Requirements for the club/sport

4 School Schedule* Description Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Wednesday Class Time (Periods 1 – 7) 8:15 am – 3:00 pm 8:15 am – 1:50 pm Tutorial Time 3:05 – 3:35 pm N/A Activity Time (for ASB & Jubilee) 3:40 – 4:25 pm No clubs meet Possible games for Jubilee PTSA Clubs Varies, but clubs start no earlier than 4:35 pm * Assumes bell schedule is the same as

5 Logistics at a Glance Jubilee Sports ASB Clubs PTSA Clubs Organizer
Jubilee REACH Tyee Middle School Tyee PTSA Description “No cut” athletics. Different sports are offered each session. Run by Jubilee staff. Clubs driven by student interest. 1 or more sessions long. Some have limited capacity. Teacher advisors. Clubs sponsored by PTSA. Run by parents, sometimes with high school or outside coaches. When Does Sport/Club Meet? Practices on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri, 3:40 – 4:25 pm Games on Wednesdays Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 3:40 – 4:25 pm. No clubs on Wednesdays. Day(s) of the week depend on club. Depends on club, start *no earlier* than 4:35 pm. Activity Bus Available? Activity bus available Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri Parents provide transportation home on Wed (game days) Activity bus available Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri. No bus provided, families need to provide transportation home (and possibly to club, if it starts later in evening). Fees & Requirements ASB card ($10/year) is encouraged but not required. Must attend tutorial before activity. ASB card ($10/year) required Fees depend on the club If meeting starts at 4:35 pm and student is staying at school, student must attend ASB club beforehand. How to register Final Forms (new process starting fall 2019) Final Forms (new process starting fall 2019). New list of clubs available before each session. Depends on club

6 Jubilee Reach Sports 2019-20 Session #1 (Fall)
(early September – early November) Session #2 (“Winter 1”) (mid November – late January) Session #3 (“Winter 2”) (late January – late March) Session #4 (Spring) (late March – late May) Boys & Girls Soccer Boys & Girls Cross-Country Girls Golf Boys & Girls Flag Football Sports Club* Board Game Club* *final clubs TBD based on student interest Boys & Girls Basketball Contacts: Coach Ed, Coach Jen,

7 ASB Clubs – EXAMPLES* *Clubs for will depend on student interest and initiative. Lists will be posted at school & website. Session #1 (early Sept. – early Nov.) Session #2 (mid Nov. – late Jan.) Session #3 (late Jan. – late Mar.) Session #4 (late Mar. – late May) Study Hall Yearbook Chinese Culture Club QSA (Queer/Straight Alliance) Clay Club Creative Club Tennis Club Newspaper Club STEM Club for Girls Jazz Club Future Problem Solvers SOAR (Students Organized Against Racism) Badminton Homework Club Japanese Culture Club WEB Leaders Robotics Harry Potter Club Pokemon & Beyblade Club Boys & Girls Volleyball Maker Club Japanese Art Club Game Design/Coding Club Debate Club KPOP Club

8 PTSA Clubs Competition Math Club Python Bytes (coding) Robotics Club
Science Bowl Club Competition Coding Club Meets every week during school year. Aims to foster students’ interest in mathematics though preparing for and participating in various local, regional, and national math competitions. Parent info session in September 2019 (date TBD). Contact: Nelson Ngan & Tracy Chen, Coding club includes both Basic and Intermediate Python coding. Contact: Annie Zhu, Meets in fall, several times per week. More meetings after fall, depending on competition results. Students form teams which compete at local competitions. Contact: Jenny Ma, Students study on various topics and compete in local competitions. Contact: Lily Yin & Ruiji Huang, New for Being formed.

9 Have a new club or activity idea?
Students can create their own ASB club. ASB clubs must: be student run have 12 guaranteed members form a Constitution and by laws - approved by ASB and Tyee office ASB clubs may not coincide with one another Students can pick up a new club creation form from Arum Schut in the front office. Connie Wusterbarth is in charge of Tyee activities and oversees the new club application process. Parents can create their own Tyee PTSA club Contact for more information.

10 PTSA Volunteer Opportunities
Open Chair positions : Volunteer Coordinator Spiritwear Student Directory Field Trip Advocacy Used Music Uniform Sale Membership Year-End Awards Musical Family Outreach Walkabout Program Co-Chair Cyber Safety Book Fair Co-Chair Fill out our volunteer interest sheet or for more info Volunteers are required to complete a BSD background check:

11 Tyee Competition Math Club

12 What is Competition Math Club?
Goal: Tyee Competition Math Club aims to foster interest in mathematics through preparing and participating various math competitions. Meetings: Once a week after school. (In we met on Fridays, 4:30-5:45 pm) Schedule for is TBD. Class Size: students per class (6 classes in ; subject to change) Coaches: Mostly taught by Newport High School students with some parent volunteers

13 What is Competition Math Club? (Continued)
Participation Fee: $70 (subject to change), which includes math competition fee, pizza at external competitions, and t-shirt. Lecture notes and homework are provided each week. Attendance, homework submission and competition participation are encouraged by a point system. Points are used for the auction at the End of Year party. Math Competitions: AMC 8, AMC 10, AIME, Math Is Cool, MathCounts, KPMT, WSMC, Math Olympiad Parent volunteer participation is required.

14 Accomplishments Third place for team competition in MathCounts State Third place for team competition in Math Is Cool State (6th grade) First place for team competition in Math Is Cool State (7th grade) Third place for team competition in Math Is Cool State (8th grade) Five students qualified for AIME (American Invitational Mathematics Examination)

15 Thank you! Any questions?

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