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2045 LRTP Overview United Way of St Johns County May 10, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "2045 LRTP Overview United Way of St Johns County May 10, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 2045 LRTP Overview United Way of St Johns County May 10, 2019

2 Purpose of the Long Range Transportation Plan
Blueprint to maintain and enhance our regional transportation system Consider current needs and forecasted future growth List of multi-modal transportation projects to be funded through (cost feasible) Maintain relevance by updating every five years to consider changes in growth and travel patterns Considers changing mobility trends

3 What Type of Projects are Included in the LRTP?
Roadway Projects Arterials and Interstate Transit Projects Bus and Rail Freight Walk & Bike Programs Safety Programs Advanced Technology

4 Elements of the Long Range Transportation Plan
2045 LRTP Goals & Objectives Needs Assessment Data Forecasts Financial Resources Cost Feasible Plan

5 Key Questions to be Addressed
How do we develop a balanced transportation system? How will we travel around the region in the future? How do we expand mobility opportunities for everyone? How will emerging technologies affect mobility in the future?

6 Community Needs What are the greatest obstacles persons with disabilities and other transportation disadvantaged citizens encounter when they need transportation? In the short-term, how can these barriers be overcome? Are there long-term solutions we should consider? Does mobility as a service (Uber or Lyft type services) a reasonable alternative for the transportation disadvantaged? 

7 Where to Get More Information
Project Website: Telephone Town Hall Meetings on June 12th and 13th Future Community Group Meetings

8 Project Website:
Project Contacts North Florida TPO Project Manager Denise Bunnewith Planning Director Atkins Project Manager Wiley C. Page, AICP Transportation Program Manager Project Website:

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