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25.1 Properties of light Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information. Light travels in straight lines, but can be bent.

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Presentation on theme: "25.1 Properties of light Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information. Light travels in straight lines, but can be bent."— Presentation transcript:

1 25.1 Properties of light Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information. Light travels in straight lines, but can be bent by lenses or reflected by mirrors. Light has color and can be bright or dim.

2 25.1 Properties of light You see book pages because light in the room reflects from the page to your eyes. Your eyes and brain use the information carried by the light to make a mental picture.

3 25.1 Light is produced by atoms
Most light is produced by atoms. When you put some energy into the atom, it excites the atom’s electrons. Light is produced when the electron releases this energy.

4 25.1 Incandescent light Making light with heat is called incandescence. Atoms in the filament convert electrical energy to heat and then to light.

5 25.1 Fluorescent light To make light, fluorescent bulbs use high-voltage electricity to energize atoms of gas in the bulb. These atoms release the electrical energy directly as light (not heat), in a process called fluorescence.

6 25.1 Color and energy When all the colors of the rainbow are combined, we see light without any color. We call the combination of all colors white light.


8 25.1 The speed of light The speed at which light travels through air is about 300 million meters per second. The speed of light is so important in physics that it is given its own symbol, a lower case “c”.

9 25.1 Speed of light

10 25.1 Wavelength and Frequency of Light
Because the wavelength of light is so small, scientists measure it in nanometers. One nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter ( m).



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