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(A) Pupillary responses by age (from Meisami et al)

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Presentation on theme: "(A) Pupillary responses by age (from Meisami et al)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (A) Pupillary responses by age (from Meisami et al)
(A) Pupillary responses by age (from Meisami et al).7  (B) Mean saccadic Latency for different amplitudes of saccade by age (from Irving et al).8 (C) Mean peak saccadic velocity by age (from Irving et al).8 (B) and (C) Republished with permission of Investigative ophthalmology. (A) Pupillary responses by age (from Meisami et al).7  (B) Mean saccadic Latency for different amplitudes of saccade by age (from Irving et al).8 (C) Mean peak saccadic velocity by age (from Irving et al).8 (B) and (C) Republished with permission of Investigative ophthalmology. Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Jonathan M Schott Pract Neurol 2017;17: ©2017 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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