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The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish.

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2 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine

3 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German In Alain High, there are seven French teachers. We have around 3 or 4 hours of French lessons. One teacher teaches us Latin. This year, the documentalist organizes a reading contest. (by Marine)

4 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German Alain High includes five Mathematics teachers. Like French, we have around 3 or 4 hours of Maths lessons a week. Each year, Alain High organizes a Mathematics contest. (by Marine)

5 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German There are 4 Science teachers. In one week, we attend an hour and a half of science. (by Marine)

6 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German There are 4 history teachers in our school. There are 3 hours a week of history lessons. (by Marine)

7 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin and English. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishSpanish GermanLatin English In Alain High, there are 4 sports teachers. They teach us either 3 or 4 hours a week. (by Marine)

8 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German In our school we have only one teacher of arts and one of music. (by Marine) The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.

9 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German Two technology teachers work in Alain High. We have an hour and a half a week. (by Marine) The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.

10 The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. The Optional subjects are Latin, European English, European Spanish and European German. This is our timetable of this yearThis is our timetable of this yearour timetable our timetable Camille and Justine The languages taught are Spanish, German, Latin, English and French. Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench.Spanish GermanLatin EnglishFrench. The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science, The school subjects taught in Alain are French, Maths, Science,French MathsScienceFrench MathsScience History and Geography History and Geography, Physical Education, Physical Education History and Geography Physical Education Arts and Music Arts and Music, Technology, Technology Arts and Music Technology English, Spanish and German English, Spanish and German. English, Spanish and German In Alain High, there are 8 foreign language teachers. Its possible to learn two foreign languages from the 6th form, but its optional. However, you must learn it as a 2nd foreign language from the 4th form on. We attend the lessons 3 times a week. (by Marine)

11 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8am History and Geography LatinMathsSportFrench 9amEnglish GermanEnglish History and Geography 10amSportEnglishMathsFrench 11amSportFrench SVT 12amLunch 1pmEuropean English 2 pmGermanSVTFrench 3 pmMusicLatinArtsGerman 4 pmTechnologyMathsPhysical Education Maths Return in the parchment

12 By Stéphanie

13 Latin Every 3years a travel to Italy is organized. This year 45 pupils will go and visit Rome from 12th to 17th May 2014. Last year the pupils went to the «St Raymond Museum» in Toulouse to participate in workshops and to study the Roman civilization. By Stéphanie Return in the parchment

14 German In France we celebrate the Franco-German day on January 28th. So we have a German menu at the school restaurant and we do activities in German with the primary schools. The teachers organize travels to Germany once a year. By Stéphanie Return in the parchment

15 Spanish On February, 28th 2014, an Spanish class from Barcelona came to visit us and to spend a day in our school. The French pupils organized a lot of games to know each others. Every 3 years, a travel to Spain is organized. Last year, they went to Saragossa. The pupils visited museums, the cities of Heresca and Teruel. They spent a real nice time. By Stéphanie Return in the parchment

16 English All the year long, the students of 4th forms work on Gospels,the blues and jazz songs with their music teachers, History teacher and English teachers. Last year the pupils of 4th form made beautiful posters on jazz,and they made an exbition on African-American music at the public library. They also went to a jazz concert at the «School of Arts » where they sang some gospels,they studied in class with professional musicians. By Stéphanie Return in the parchment

17 French All the 5th forms participate in medieval workshops on the making of Medieval blazons and on the making of illumination at the regional library. By Stéphanie Return in the parchment

18 Link the pictures to the school subjects: French Mathematics Biology Technology PE Foreign Languages History and Geography Arts and Musics.

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