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Key Stage 2 Maths Workshop

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1 Key Stage 2 Maths Workshop
Addition and Subtraction

2 Quick test! 16 x 10 = ? Can you tell me how you would explain this to a child? But what about: 1.33 x 10 = What about this? =

3 Addition Combining two or more groups to give a total or sum
Increasing an amount. Also: Inverse of subtraction Commutative i.e = 3 + 5 Associative i.e = 5 + (3 + 7) This means that calculations can be rearranged.

4 End of Year 3 Objective: Add numbers with up to three digits, using formal written method of columnar addition. Base =

5 End of Year 4 Objective: Add numbers with up to 4 digits and decimals with one decimal place using the formal written method of columnar addition where appropriate. Step 1 By the end of year 4, children should be using the written method confidently and with understanding. They will also be adding: several numbers with different numbers of digits, understanding the place value; decimals with one decimal place, knowing that the decimal points line up under one another.

6 End of Year 5 Objective: Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits and decimals with two decimal places, including formal written methods (columnar addition). Children should continue to use the carrying method to solve calculations such as:

7 End of Year 6 Objective: Add whole numbers and decimals using formal written methods (columnar addition). Children should extend the carrying method and use it to add whole numbers and decimals with any number of digits. When adding decimals with different numbers of decimal places, children should be taught and encouraged to make them the same through identification that 2 tenths is the same as 20 hundredths, therefore, 0.2 is the same value as 0.20.

8 Subtraction Removal of an amount from a larger group (take away)
Comparison of two amounts (difference) Children also need to understand and work with certain principles, i.e. that it is: the inverse of addition not commutative i.e is not the same as 3 - 5 not associative i.e is not the same as 10 - (3 - 2) .

9 End of Year 3 Objective: Subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written method of columnar subtraction. This will be recorded by the children as:


11 71 – 46 = .

12 End of Year 4 Objective: Subtract numbers with up to 4 digits and decimals with one decimal place using the formal written method of columnar subtraction where appropriate. Step This would be recorded by children as: When children are ready this leads to compact method of decomposition.

13 End of Year 5 Objective: Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits and decimals with two decimal places, including formal written methods (columnar subtraction) Children should continue to use the decomposition method to solve calculations such as:

14 End of Year 6 Objective: Subtract whole numbers and decimals using formal written methods (columnar subtraction) Children should extend the decomposition method and use it to subtract whole numbers and decimals with any number of digits. When subtracting decimals with different numbers of decimal places, children should be taught and encouraged to make them the same through identification that 2 tenths is the same as 20 hundredths, therefore, 0.2 is the same value as 0.20.

15 Application of understanding – try this!(SATS question)

16 Your turn! We look forward to seeing you next term at our multiplication and division workshop – please look out for the date in our newsletters nearer the time.

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