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Revision Overview For A Level

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1 Revision Overview For A Level
Streetcar Revision Overview For A Level

2 PLOT OVERVIEW – write a paragraph or two to summarise the overall plot
SCENE BY SCENE – one or two bullet points for each scene

3 FORM PLAY – use specific literary terminology
Consider DRAMATIC TECHNIQUES and how they are used to create meaning TRAGEDY – relate to prior knowledge from Summer Plan, Tess, Wuthering Heights, Hamlet “A WELL-MADE PLAY” – Aristotle's 3 unities and their effects

4 CHARACTERS Make sure you have detailed notes on each of the main characters (Blanche, Stella, Stanley, Mitch) to include: Back story What happens to them in the play How William’s uses them to represent values and attitudes The methods Williams uses to present them Consider what the minor characters represent Know key quotations for each theme

Have a detailed list of key themes/ideas/concerns Consider how Williams presents these Interpret what you think Williams is saying about each one Consider how contexts affect interpretations and responses Know key quotations for each theme

6 CONTEXTS Know the key relevant features of contexts:
Social (attitudes towards women, homosexuality, class, society in state in flux...) Historical (American Civil War, WW2...) Literary (Tragedy, Southern gothic, European Theatre, American Theatre) Biographical (Williams’ life events and culture) Understand how these affect meaning (implied) and interpretation (received)

7 STRUCTURE 11 scenes (no acts)
Dramatic impact of the strong endings in each scene Narrative structure (exposition/conflicts/rising action/climax/resolution) Tragic structure

8 LANGUAGE Dialogue (contrasts) Imagery Detailed stage directions
Symbolism Naturalism Realism Expressionism

9 STYLE Naturalism Realism Expressionism

10 SETTINGS Places: country/state/towns/districts/streets the flat Era
Seasons/months Time of day

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