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Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Women and Feminism

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Presentation on theme: "Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Women and Feminism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Women and Feminism

2 Victorians *They were really restrictive about gender and society roles. *1700 and 1800’s Worst Time for Women’s Equality in Europe and North America * Morality was HUGE! * Table Clothes!

3 The Ideal Woman * The Cult of Domesticity
* Ideal woman stayed at home, was educated only in home crafts, was highly moral * Corsets! Hoop Skirts!


5 Big Problems for 19th Century Women
Inheritance and Property Really couldn’t work Had to get married to get money Domestic Violence Voting Child Custody

6 Early Feminists- First Wave Feminism 19th Century in the U.S.
Originally Focused On: Equal contract and property rights Opposed chattel marriage and ownership of married women (and their children) by their husbands. By the end of the 19th century, focused on gaining political power, particularly women's suffrage.

7 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Abolition and Women’s Rights

8 Susan B. Anthony Worked for Suffrage for 45 years!

9 Frances Willard Suffragist and Temperance Activist

10 Women finally got the right to vote in 1919.

11 Many women worked in factories to support the war effort
Many women worked in factories to support the war effort. They were pushed out when the men returned.

12 The 1950’s saw a resurgence of the idea of the perfect housewife.

13 Feminist Writers…. wanted to point out how hard it was for women
Feminist Writers…. wanted to point out how hard it was for women. They wanted men to realize what it felt like to be a woman. They wanted other women to realize they were not alone.

14 Today… A Feminist is someone who thinks men and women should be equal… They support many kinds of things.. Equal Pay Paternity Leave Fair Divorce End Domestic Violence

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