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Science Notes: Stnd 21 Date Learning Intention: 8.ESS3.1

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1 Science Notes: Stnd 21 Date Learning Intention: 8.ESS3.1 Tectonism and Distribution of Resources Interpret data and explain how tectonic processes contributes to the uneven distribution of... 1) Minerals, 2) Fossil Fuels, and 3) Groundwater Science and Engineering Practice(s) Construct Explanations, Argue from Evidence, Analyze & Interpret Data, Obtain and communicate information Crosscutting Concepts Cause and Effect, Stability and Change I Can Statement ...I can explain how tectonic processes contributes to the uneven distribution of minerals, fossil fuels, and groundwater.

2 Groundwater Facts What is groundwater?
...groundwater is H2O stored underground as soil moisture or in large underground bodies of water called aquifers. ...Groundwater is about 1.69% of all water on Earth (96% is salty). ...Groundwater can be freshwater or saline (salty) water. about .76% of Earth’s groundwater is freshwater. about .93% of Earth’s groundwater is salt water. ...Non-saline groundwater is about 30% of Earth’s total freshwater. What is the source of groundwater? ...It comes from precipitation that seeps down into the ground through porous and permeable rock formations. How do we use groundwater? ...We mainly use it for watering crops (irrigation) and for drinking.

3 Aquifers What are they? Where are they?
Aquifers are underground rock layers that are saturated with water Principal U.S. Aquifers Largest U.S. Aquifer Tennessee Aquifers

4 Aquifer Formation: In Three Steps
Step 1: Precipitation Step 2: Infiltration Step 3: Saturation rain, snow, sleet, or hail falls to the ground Water moves down into the ground underground porous/permeable rock formations are filled with water

5 Connections Groundwater, Porosity, and Permeability
Porosity refers to void spaces (holes/cracks) in a rock formation. Permeability refers to water moving through a rock formation. Precipitation Infiltration Saturation More porous/more permeable rock formations will store more water.

6 Connections Water Cycle and Groundwater
The main source of groundwater is rainfall or other precipitation.

7 Groundwater and Tectonics
The amount of groundwater is mainly determined by 3 factors. 1) Precipitation Volume: More rain results in more water to seep into the ground. 2) Surface Geology: (terrain/topography) In a mountainous area, most water will be shed downhill and therefore won’t be absorbed into the ground. In a flat area, a basin, or a valley, water will pool and will have more time to be absorbed in the ground. 3) Sub-surface Geology: porosity and permeability of the underground rock formations determines how deep the water can go and how much can be stored. Tectonics can effect all three of these factors. 1) Tectonic plate movement can move a continent to an area that has frequent and heavy rainfall. 2) Tectonic plate movement can form mountain ranges. 3) Tectonics forms different types of rock formations.

8 Cause and Effect Connections
Tectonism and Groundwater What is tectonism? (A.K.A. Diastrophism), Link: definition of the natural processes that form geological features such as continents, ocean basins, mountains, valleys, plateaus, rock formations, etc. Note: Tectonic plate movement is just one part of the larger category called tectonism or tectonics. Tectonic factors that effect groundwater volume ...type of rock (porosity-how porous, permeability-how permeable) ...depth of permeable rock formations (deeper can hold more) ...elevation of the rock (effects water flow) ...location of continents (some areas get more rain or less rain) ...shape of above-ground rock formations (called terrain or topography, basins and valleys collect water, mountains shed it, )

9 Link (10:21): Brief Introduction to Minerals
Copper Ore What are Minerals? Platinum Ore Minerals ...naturally occurring inorganic solids with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline internal structure. Link (10:21): Brief Introduction to Minerals Iron Ore Silver Ore

10 Cause and Effect Connections Tectonism and Minerals
Minerals formed in hot water solutions in cooling magma Veins Pure silver can crystallize in veins from hot water solution Tectonic factors that effect mineral locations/distribution ...mineral deposits often form at plate boundaries (heat & pressure) ...type of rock formations (igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) ...depth or elevation of deposits (deeper or higher-harder to extract) ...location of deposits (some areas are/were more geologically active)

11 Link (1:26): How Do Minerals Form?
Mineral Formation Two Ways Link (1:26): How Do Minerals Form?

12 Most Commonly Used Minerals
Link (1:28): Mineral Resources Link: Minerals and Their Uses Copper Gold Aluminum Iron

13 Most Commonly Used Minerals
Silver Cobalt Lithium Potash

14 Mineral Information Where to find minerals in the United States.
Click on the link below to view an interactive map. Link: USGS-Minerals Diagram (United States)

15 Oil and Natural Gas (In Three Steps) (1) (2) (3)

16 How Coal Forms (In Three Steps) (1) (2) (3)

17 Formation of Fossil Fuels
Different types of fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, or natural gas) form depending on the following four factors: 1) Organic matter 2) Temperature 3) Time 4) Pressure Get in pairs or groups. Do online research. Get ready to share. What tectonic factors could effect... ...the type and amount of organic matter? ...the temperature in the ground? ...the amount of time the organic matter is underground? ...the amount of pressure on the organic matter?

18 Fossil Fuel Information
Video Links Click on the links below to view video clips about fossil fuels. Link (2:42): Fossil Fuels 101 Write five facts from this video Link (3:04): Oil and Gas Formation Write five facts from this video Link (4:31) Where Does All of Our Oil Come From? Write five facts from this video

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