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1. Cambodia-Taiwan Education Program (CTEP) is a program through which Taiwanese volunteers provide Chinese, English and computer education to Cambodian.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Cambodia-Taiwan Education Program (CTEP) is a program through which Taiwanese volunteers provide Chinese, English and computer education to Cambodian."— Presentation transcript:

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2 Cambodia-Taiwan Education Program (CTEP) is a program through which Taiwanese volunteers provide Chinese, English and computer education to Cambodian people, with a focus on teaching children and teens. 2

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12 12 Thousand Cambodian students receive CTEP graduation certificate Hundred Taiwan students visit CTEC annually

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14 14 Rural Children and Education The only solution to the problems is education Teenage Pregnancy and high birth rate are problems

15 15 Computer and Generator donated by CTEP Rural students now can learn computer

16 16 Dental Treatment Oral Hygiene Lesson

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