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Presentation on theme: "PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1"— Presentation transcript:

SUBJECT Date: 5 October 2010 Loc: Rm 50 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 6 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 3 &4 PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 STANDARD 6NS 2.4 Determine the greatest common divisor of whole numbers. 2.C. Students will know that beaches are dynamic systems in which sand is supplied by rivers and moved along the coast by the action of waves. 2NS 4.1 Students will be recognize, name and compare fractions from 1/12th to ½. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Find the greatest common factor of two or more numbers. You will identify minerals by observing their properties and explain the value of minerals in your life. Classify rocks according to how they are formed. Write fractions represented by a drawing of parts of figure; represent a given fraction using drawings. AGENDA Lecture on Lesson 4-2 Lecture on Lesson 2 Mineral and Rocks. Introduce Base ten blocks. Brain pop on fractions DO NOW ACTIVITY Do the 5 minute practice that is on the board. Draw a sketch of your rock collection and how you are going to make it. Do page 13 in your work book quietly at your seat. HOMEWORK Read lesson 4-2 starting on page 186 and do problems 1-44, on page 188 to 189. Bring on Wednesday. Read lesson 2. Minerals and Rocks on page 86 to 101. Answer 1 to 9 on page 101. Complete lesson 1-2 from pages 11 to 17 and turn in on Thursday. TEST Greatest Common Factor and Simplifying Fractions Test. Minerals and Rocks Test. Chapter 1 Progress Check 1 on page 18 is your Test. EXTRA CREDIT Make the foldable on page 178. Label on side with lesson 4-2 and use it to place your notes on it. Keep this foldable in your folder and add more lessons when get to them later on in the school year Make a Mineral or Rock collection. Each rock must be labeled and classified. Use a shoe box or a small box to make your collection. Bring to class and put on your group table. Make six fraction pies and color the pieces and show me what fraction each pie represents. Bring in on Thursday or Friday for extra credit.

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