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PHONES UP Notes out.

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1 PHONES UP Notes out

2 JFK Events Link Use the link to show the video that covers the events before the students learn about them

3 Bay of Pigs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

4 How did the Bay of Pigs Invasion intensify the Cold War
How did the Bay of Pigs Invasion intensify the Cold War? (Wait, what’s intensify??) Explain what “intensify” means. Give an example of a situation that starts out intense, and then intensifies.

5 Cuban Missile Crisis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

6 How did the Cuban Missile Crisis intensify the Cold War?

7 JFK Assassinated, 1963 Kennedy traveled to Dallas to campaign for the next election No live television coverage During the motorcade JFK is shot Lee Harvey Oswald - shooter Handed out communist pamphlets Former marine Wife was russian Angry about Cuban affairs

8 Sticky Note Exit Ticket - write an answer to ONE of the questions below, then stick it on the board!
The Bay of Pigs Invasion intensified the Cold War. Which part of the invasion do YOU think intensified the Cold War and why? The Cuban Missile Crisis intensified the Cold War. Which part of the crisis do YOU think intensified the Cold War and why?

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