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Data analysis in Nagoya

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1 Data analysis in Nagoya
LNGS Umemoto

2 Contents NIT-70 and NIT-40 Data matching

3 NIT-70 nm Current standard emulsion has mean crystal size 70 nm
It expect to be high S/N by using brightness information

4 Brightness about 100 keV carbon
Max distribution Max distribution NIT-70 NIT-40 NIT-70 NIT-40 NIT-40 NIT-40 2×NIT-40 2×NIT-40 NIT-70 NIT-70 2.8 um 51 pixels NIT-70 Mean distribution Mean distribution NIT-70 NIT-40 NIT-70 NIT-40 NIT-40 2×NIT-40 2×NIT-40 NIT-70 NIT-70 2.8 um 51 pixels Max : Maximum brightness Mean : Mean brightness BG : Background brightness Optical brightness is increased twice if NIT -70 is used. *optical response about λ=460 nm light depends on the crystal size By plasmon. It isn’t clear why twice.

5 Minor distribution 100 keV ion NIT-70 100 keV ion NIT-40 minor minor
3.66±0.235 (1sigma) 201 ±13 nm 3.93±0.230 (1sigma) 216 ± 13 nm minor minor Minor value of silver spherical nanoparticle Minor(nm) Minor distribution of ion comes from the distribution of crystal and track grains. Diameter (nm)

6 Detection efficiency and angular resolution
Elliptocity >= 1.25 24.2 % (NIT-40) → 29.5 (NIT-70) NIT 40 has better angular resolution several degrees.

7 Fog and dust

8 Ellipticity and minor distribution
NIT keV carbon NIT keV carbon Ellipticity Ellipticity Minor Minor NIT 40 MAA ref NIT 70 MAA ref Ellipticity Ellipticity Minor Minor

9 Ellipticity and minor distribution
NIT keV carbon and Maa ref NIT keV carbon and Maa ref Ellipticity Ellipticity Minor Minor Minor cut is effective to identify the signal. We set the cut like below. NIT-40 3.3 <= minor <=4.1 NIT-70 3.6 <= minor <=4.4

10 Background “ fog and Dust”
Density (/(10um)^3 FAN112gf (NIT-40) FAN123gf (NIT-70) All ±0.0402 ±0.0569 w / Minor cut 0.0814 0.1476 w/ minor and elli cut Ellipticity>=1.5 0.0023 0.0036 Error is not Estimated yet Density (/ view (100000um^3) =0.34ug) FAN112gf (NIT-40) FAN123gf (NIT-70) All ±4.02 ±5.69 w / Minor cut 8.14 14.76 w/ minor and elli cut Ellipticity>=1.5 0.23 0.36

11 Ellipticity distribution of MAA ref
Ellipticity distribution after minor cut each other Number of event / view ― NIT-40 (FAN112gf) ― NIT-70 (FAN123gf) Elipticity

12 Ellipticity and Max brightness
NIT keV carbon NIT keV carbon NIT-40 3.3 <= minor <=4.1 NIT-70 3.6 <= minor <=4.4 Ellipticity Ellipticity Max-BG Max-BG Event density /view NIT 40 MAA ref NIT 70 MAA ref NIT-40 3.3 <= minor <=4.1 NIT-70 3.6 <= minor <=4.4 Ellipticity Ellipticity Max-BG Max-BG

13 Ellipticity and Max brightness
*Fog in carbon sample is not subtracted NIT keV carbon NIT keV carbon Ellipticity Ellipticity Max-BG Higher detection efficiency can be archived in NIT70 Max-BG NIT 40 MAA ref NIT 70 MAA ref Ellipticity Ellipticity e.g. Event selection cut with lower dust event number Max-BG Max-BG

14 Ellipticity and Max brightness
*Fog in carbon sample is not subtracted NIT keV carbon NIT keV carbon Ellipticity Ellipticity Max-BG Higher detection efficiency can be archived in NIT70 Max-BG We aim to achieve the high S/N by using brightness information like above cut. Dust is dominant in current our BG, it is better to make a low BG state. NIT 40 MAA ref NIT 70 MAA ref Ellipticity Ellipticity e.g. Event selection cut with lower dust event number Max-BG Max-BG

15 Prospect I can not finish summarizing of detector performance and the amount of dust , NIT-40 and NIT-70. I continue this work and report in video meeting. Additional Sensitivity of gamma should be evaluated between NIT-40 and NIT-70. Detection efficiency of lower energy ion with brightness cut. Neutron analysis


17 For Combine analysis current situation
We passed several samples which already scanned Japanese microscope PTS2 to Napoli for evaluating the relation between Japanese elliptical parameter and polarization analysis. Sample list: Carbon ion : 100 keV, 60 keV, 30 keV horizontal and 30 keV vertical. MAA reference, Am241 Gamma Problem Most of sample were scanned by Asada in Napoli but the evaluation did not be finished because event matching did not work well. In PTS2, scanning speed is more important than the accuracy of position about stage movement (current position accuracy about ±3 um). The combined analysis was stopped….

18 Local matching The positional displacement can be corrected using pattern matching of detected event in each view. How to : 1 : rough pattern matching was done between Japanese and Napoli data by moving the position distribution of one stage (1 um pitch) with changing the rotation angle. ⇒ roughly affine parameter was got. 2 : fine pattern matching was done by using rough affine parameter with 0.1 um pitch without changing the rotation angle 3 : event by event matching by selecting closest candidate after fine affine transformation and tagged * Shiraishi san is the main developer of this analysis. Special thanks to him.

19 Try matching with only parallel translation
JPData DMRoot There is a rotation due to a sample setting or camera. We set a rotation angle estimated from this event position distribution as a initial value

20 Difference of scanning system
① stage coordinate ② Camera condition +y JP Np Pixel size 55 nm 27.4 nm Cols 2048 pixel 112.6 um 2320 pixel 63.5 um Rows 1720 pixel 47 um +x Japan Stage +y +x Napoli Stage

21 C100 keV scanning Flow 1 : Japanese scanning with Zigzag line movement.       (100 um pitch 1mm × 1.1 mm) 2 : Napoli scanning as same as JP. Scanned view coordinate was corrected by OP mark. with blue LED () Opticalmark Position Japan (mm) Napoli (um) Op1 (x,y) (0,0) (-0.2,-0.1) Op2 (x,y) (5.2305, 0.136) ( ) Op3 (x,y) ( , ) (1497.2, ) Op4 (x,y) (6.2055, ) ( , ) Japan (mm) Napoli (um) Start position ( ,-8.449) (-2376, 8306)         ↑ Measured by JP microscope        ↑ estimation calculated by Affine transformation using opticalmark position

22 Event selection for using pattern matching
JPData Napolidata Difference layer from surface ±3 layers used Two peak?? 0<gr.z<0.6 looks ion signal region Surface layer distribution View ID Parameters and selection x = (cl.px-1024)*0.055 y = ( +1024)*0.055 Cut condition iView &&hd.flag==1 && abs(cl.z-hd.surfLayer)<=3 x = -gr.x y = -gr.y Cut condition hd.aid== iView &&hd.flag==0 && abs(gr.z)>0 && abs(gr.z)<0.6

23 How to obtain polarization parameter
Napoli data was scanned by Asada and root file was uploaded in RunHeader has no information in this time. The position and other parameters were obtained from DMRGrain with selection (hd.flag==0&&gr.z>=0&&gr.z<=0.6&&gr.npx>=10). If pattern matched was successful, we tagged Japanese event with DMRGrain All DMRCluster belonged to DMRGrain were listed and DMRCluster of the best focus layer with all polarized angle were found. Our source codes are uploaded Git and made by Cmake . Please tell me, if you want to get the source code.

24 Affine parameter of matching
Displacement between Napoli and Japan system ● X direction ● Y direction X + direction movement in JP Displacement (um) Displacement was generated by Japanese stage. X - direction movement in JP localized view Y direction move Each 11 views (100 um) Rotation angle between Napoli and Japan system Rotation angle (degree) Rotation angle was constant. view

25 Matched event number Event number in each views Number/view PTS2
This difference comes from the view size. effective area of PTS2 is normalized to Napoli. PTS2: 1 view = um^2 Napoli : 1view = um^2 Napoli matched view After normalization of event number Number/view Most of candidates of Japanese data are matched. Napoli PTS2 normalized matched view

26 Barycenter shift After matching
Distribution of number of polarization angle owned in candidate Polarization data can be obtained with referring your source (DMRView.cpp) TObjArray* DMRView::GetCLofGRbf( int igr ) *in this time, DMRRun header and DMRFrame are null, so we can not use your source. Peak come in npol=7 There are many events with npol >8 instead of observation was done with 8 polarization angle (0~180, 22.5deg pitch) ⇒ cluster was separated to 2 or 3 due to Plasmon ?? npol and barycenter shift Bshift(um) Barycenter shift is defined as the maximum distance of two grains using all belonged clusters. In this time, we have no chance to discuss the method to get barycenter shift with Napoli people. After meeting, we would like to discuss. npol

27 Relation between ellipticity and barycenter shift
Bshift(um) Cut : 3.6<=Jp minor<=4.4 A correlation ! Ellipticity The signal region was defined as below to detect track length and angle. JP: ellipticity >=1.5, Napoli: Barycenter>=0.1 um

28 Phi angle relation Phi angle distribution by Napoli and JP analysis The difference of detected angle between Napoli and JP analysis Phi of barshift direction Difference of angle(degree) Phi of JP elliptical Ion beam direction the detected angle by Napoli Polarization analysis corresponds to that of Japanese analysis. 1 sigma of angular accuracy between JP and Napoli is 6.6 degree.

29 Relation between ellipticity and barycenter shift
Cut : 3.6<=Jp minor<=4.4,Ellipticity >=1.5 0<Bshift<0.05 um Ellipticity and barycenter shift Bshift(um) Japanese angular distribution Barycenter angular distribution Ellipticity The reason is not clear why higher ellipticity event has lower barycenter shift. These events are categorized in nano-track??

30 Relation between ellipticity and barycenter shift
Cut : 3.6<=Jp minor<=4.4,Ellipticity <1.25 0.2 <=Bshift Ellipticity and barycenter shift Bshift(um) Japanese angular distribution Barycenter angular distribution Ellipticity We want to know the relation between Bshift distribution and brightness. I think these are low brightness??

31 Prospect Understanding detail about Napoli analysis data of Carbon signal, fog and dust (also gamma). - Please tell me the characteristic of signal. Current, we use only barycenter shift and temporary cut parameter about npx. Next, we try matching about Dust and compare the parameters. - then, the structure is different from ion sample. After meeting, I will do in Napoli. After that, neutron sample and Run sample should be analyzed.



34 Out put file out.dat : マッチしたイベントデータ JPCluster DMRGrain [DMRCluster]
iv x y npx mean max minor major angle x y npx vol [ipol x y] …


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